Here's a questions for ya'll.
Do you let you child/children decide what ministry(ies) they are going to be apart of? (i.e. choir, usher board etc.) Youth Bible Study is not an option, you're going!
Here's my take on it. As a former youth choir supervisor, I saw that the ones who were "made" to be in the choir, where very distracting to the ones who "wanted" to be in the choir, and it made our job as the supervisor difficult. (one time this boy's mom dropped him off for rehearsal, HE WALKED IN WITH ME, then when I had gone to the restroom, checked the mailbox, turned on lights etc, about 6:15 (rehearsal starts at 6:00) I realized he wasn't there, so I went looking for him, and he was found by one of the other adults coming to the church walking up the street).
I think that you shouldn't make the child/children be in the choir or usher board or whatever if they don't want to because their attitude is going to show it and it will affect the minstry as a whole. Now if they don't want to be in any, then you pick for them.