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Author Topic: Left hand/Right hand Chords  (Read 1303 times)


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Left hand/Right hand Chords
« on: March 18, 2008, 08:47:41 AM »
Need chords to "Magnify the Lord with me"by Byron Cage.

Offline chevonee

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Re: Left hand/Right hand Chords
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 01:49:52 AM »
Welcome to the LGM family THEOCROCY, God bless you!!! ;)

Is this the song that you need?? This song was chorded out by T-block

"Magnify" by: Byron Cage
Key Ab?  LH/RH


Ab / Bb-C-Eb-Ab
Ab / Ab-Cb-Fb
Ab / Bb-Db-Gb
Ab / Bb-C-Eb-Ab
Fb / Ab-Cb-Fb
Gb / Bb-Db-Gb

/ Ab, Bb, Cb, Db
E / G#-B-D#, C#
A / G#-C#-F#, E
Bb / Ab-Db-Eb, Db
Eb / G-Cb-Db-Gb, Fb
C / G-Bb-Eb, C
F / Ab-C-Eb-G, Eb, C
Bb / Ab-C-Db-Eb

G / Eb-G-Bb
Ab / Eb-Ab-C
A / F-A-C
Bb / F-Bb-Db
B / G-B-D
C / G-C-Eb
Db / Ab-Db-F
D / Bb-D-F
E / Bb-Db-E-G
C / Db-E-G-Bb
F / C-F-Ab
Eb /
D / D-F-Bb
C /
Bb /
Fast w/both hands:?  Bb, D, F, Bb, Ab, G, F, Eb
Db / Bb-Eb-G
C / C-Eb-Ab
A / C-F-A
Bb / Db-F-Bb
G / Bb-Eb-G
Ab / C-Eb-Ab

Db / B-F-A
C / Bb-Eb-Fb-Ab
C / Bb-Eb-Fb-Ab
F (2x) / C-F-Ab
G (2x) /
Ab /
/ G-Bb
/ Ab-C
Bb (2x) / Eb-Ab-C
C (2x) /
D / D-F-Bb
Eb / Db-F-Ab
Bb / C
Eb / Db-F-Bb
/ Ab
Ab (2x) / C-Eb-Ab
Eb (2x) /
Ab /
Gb (2x) / Bb-Db-Gb-Ab
Db (2x) /
Gb /
Eb / Db-Eb-F-Ab

Part 1:

Ab / C-Eb-Ab
Ab /
Ab / He
is so
Eb / Gb-Bb-Db wor-
Ab / Ab-C-Eb thy of
Db / Ab-Db-F all,
G / B-Eb-F-Bb all the
C / Bb-Eb-G praise,
G / F-Bb-Db oh
C / E-Ab-Bb-Eb oh
F (2x) / C-F-Ab come
G (2x) /
Ab /
/ G-Bb mag-
/ Ab-C ni-
Bb (2x) / Eb-Ab-C fy
C (2x) /
D / D-F-Bb Him,
Eb / Db-F-Ab Je-
Bb / C sus
Eb / Db-F-Bb is
/ Ab His
Ab (2x) / C-Eb-Ab name.
Eb (2x) /
Ab /
Gb (2x) / Bb-Db-Gb-Ab
Db (2x) /
Gb /
Eb / Db-Eb-F-Ab
(repeat 2x)

Ab (2x) / C-Eb-Ab
Eb (2x) /
Ab /
C /
Db / Cb-Eb-Gb
Gb (2x) / Bb-Eb-Gb
Db (2x) /
Gb /

Key change to C (Part 1):

G / A-C-F
C / G-C-E
C /
C / He
is so
G / F-Bb-D wor-
C / G-C-E, F, G thy of
F / A-C-F all
B / D#-G-A-D the
E / D-G-B praise,
B / A-D-F oh
E / G#-C-D-G oh
A (2x) / A-C-E come
B (2x) /
C /
/ B-D mag-
/ C-E ni-
D (2x) / G-C-E fy
E (2x) /
F# / F#-A-D Him,
G / F-A-C Je-
D / E sus
G / F-A-D is
/ C His
C (2x) / E-G-C name.?  *go to Part 2 from here
G (2x) /
C /
Bb (2x) / F-Bb-D
F (2x) /
Bb /

Part 2:

/ C, D
C / E
B / D
A / C
G / B

F# / D-F#-A King of
G / D-G-B Kings,
B-F / D-G-B Lord of
C / E-G-C Lords,

F / C-F-A every body
E / C-E-G praise Him,
E / Gb-C-D-G?  *bounce chord
oh, oh
A (2x) / A-C-E come
B (2x) /
C /
/ B-D mag-
/ C-E ni-
D (2x) / G-C-E fy
E (2x) /
F# / F#-A-D Him,
G / F-A-C Je-
D / E http://sus
G / F-A-D is
/ C His?  *go to Part 3 from here
C (2x) / E-G-C name.? 

Turnaround to "come, magnify Him..."
F# / A#-D-E-A
B / A-D-F oh
E / G#-C-D-G oh

Part 3:

B / D-G-B
C / E-G-C
C# / E-A-C#
D / F-A-D
D# / F#-B-D#
E / G-B-E
F / A-C-F
F# / A-D-F#
G# / B-D-F-G# Bless
E / D-F-G#-B His
A / C-E-A na-
G /
F# / D-F#-A ame,
E /
D /
Fast w/both hands:?  D, F#, A, D, C, B
A, G / A, G
F / D-G-B na-
E / E-G-C ame,
C# / C#-E-A na-
D / D-F-A ame,
B / D-G-B na-
C / E-G-C ame.?  *go to Part 4 from here
E / D-G-B
A / E-G-C
D / C-F-A Bless
G / D-G-B Him,

Part 4:

C / G-C-E
B / G-B-D
A / E-A-C
G / D-G-B
F# / D-F#-A wor-
/ F#-A-D thy
G / D-G-B Lamb,
E / C-E-G wor-
/ E-G-C thy
F / C-F-A Lamb,
C# / C#-E-A
F# / D-F#-A wor-
/ F#-A-D thy
G / D-G-B Lamb
F / D-G-B of
E / E-G-C God,
F / F-A-C
A / E-G-C#
F# / D-F#-A wor-?  *hit chord
G / G-B-D Lamb,?  *hit chord
E / C-E-G wor-?  *hit chord
F / F-A-C Lamb,?  *hit chord
C# / E-A-C#?  *hit chord
F# / D-F#-A wor-?  *hit chord
B / G-B-D Lamb?  *hit chord
C / G-C-E God.

Key change to Db (Part 3):

C / Eb-Ab-C
Db / F-Ab-Db
D / F-Bb-D
Eb / Gb-Bb-Eb
E / G-C-E
F / Ab-C-F
Gb / Bb-Db-Gb
G / Bb-Eb-G
A / C-Eb-Gb-A Bless
F / Eb-Gb-A-C His
Bb / Db-F-Bb na-
Ab /
G / Eb-G-Bb ame,
F /
Eb /
Fast w/both hands:?  Eb, G, Bb, Eb, Db, C
Bb, Ab / Bb, Ab
Gb / Eb-Ab-C na-
F / F-Ab-Db ame,
D / D-F-Bb na-
Eb / Eb-Gb-Bb ame,
C / Eb-Ab-C na-
Db / F-Ab-Db ame.


C / Bb-Eb-Gb
F / A-Db-Eb-Ab
Bb (2x) / Ab-C-Db-F come
C (2x) /
Db /
/ C-Eb mag-
/ Db-F ni-
Eb (2x) / Ab-Db-F fy
F (2x) /
G / G-Bb-Eb Him,
Ab / Gb-Bb-Db Je-
Eb / F sus
Ab / Gb-Bb-Eb is
/ Db His
Db / F-Ab-Db name.

Turnaround to "come, magnify Him..."
G / B-Eb-F-Bb
C / Bb-Eb-Gb
F / A-Db-Eb-Ab
Strike while the iron is hot!


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Re: Left hand/Right hand Chords
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2008, 02:06:36 PM »
I hope this is it. I will have to play them and I will get back with you "chevonee".Thank you! God bless you!


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Re: Left hand/Right hand Chords
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2008, 02:26:32 PM »
A few of the words are;For the lord our God is great;perfect lord in all your ways;God of mercy lord of grace;holy one ancient of days;;I will bless the lord,bless the lord at all times.

Offline T-Block

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Re: Left hand/Right hand Chords
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2008, 09:33:05 AM »
A few of the words are;For the lord our God is great;perfect lord in all your ways;God of mercy lord of grace;holy one ancient of days;;I will bless the lord,bless the lord at all times.

Ohhhh, I know what song u talking about.  The name of that song is "I Will Bless The Lord".  Here is the link to some chords for you:  http://www.learngospelmusic.com/forums/index.php/topic,18199.0.html
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