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Author Topic: Scale Degree Chords  (Read 26872 times)

Offline T-Block

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Scale Degree Chords
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:15:12 AM »
You know, something just occurred to me.  I never fully explained how to get the chords formed off each scale degree.  I'm sorry for the dropping the ball yet again LGM fam, LOL.  Here's how it's done:

Scale Degree Chords

A scale degree chord is a chord built off each scale degree in the major scale.  This goes back to how you form any kind of chord.  Here's a little recap (or lesson if u don't know) on how chords are formed.  It's in a different format than I used in another post, but still says the same thing:

All chords are 1st built on 3rds, then the notes are modified to form specific kinds of chords.  Anytime u play a note, skip a note, then play the next note u are playing a 3rd.  So:


Those are all 3rds.  They're not the same quality (major, minor, etc.), but they are all 3rds of some kind.  When u put at least two of those 3rds together, u form a chord.  Example:

C-E + E-G  =  C-E-G

Neat right?  Notice how I did it though.  I didn't randomly put any two 3rds together, the last note of the first 3rd is the first note of the last 3rd.  This is how 95% of chords are formed.  This is also how u can tell what the root of a chord is, by stacking it in 3rds.  Now that we've take a trip down memory lane, let's get back to the scale degree chords:

Most of you are already familiar with the 1-3-5 chord, which is the 1st chord built off the 1st scale degree.  What most of you don't know is how to get the rest of the chords.  Well, the same process u went through to get the 1, 3, & 5 is the same process u go through to get the other chords.  Notice with 1, 3, & 5 how u magically skipped 2 & 4, LOL.  Well u gonna do the same starting on the others.  Here's an illustration:

1  (skip 2)  3  (skip 4)  5

2  (skip 3)  4  (skip 5)  6

3  (skip 4)  5  (skip 6)  7

4  (skip 5)  6  (skip 7)  1

5  (skip 6)  7  (skip 1)  2

6  (skip 7)  1  (skip 2)  3

7  (skip 1)  2  (skip 3)  4

Now, I'm gonna put them altogether:

1-3-5 = major 1 chord
2-4-6 = minor 2 chord
3-5-7 = minor 3 chord
4-6-1 = major 4 chord
5-7-2 = major 5 chord
6-1-3 = minor 6 chord
7-2-4 = diminished 7 chord

If you do it right, you should hear those chord qualities (major, minor, etc.) above.  Now, as far as the notes go, you will only use the notes of the major scale for these chords.  So, using the scale degree formula above, here are all the chords in C:

C major scale:  C=1  D=2  E=3  F=4  G= 5  A=6  B=7

1-3-5  =  C-E-G
2-4-6  =  D-F-A
3-5-7  =  E-G-B
4-6-1  =  F-A-C
5-7-2  =  G-B-D
6-1-3  =  A-C-E
7-2-4  =  B-D-F

Side note:  Just in case some of you out there are wondering why I always post theory in the key of C, it's because this key is the easiest key to start applying theory in, not becuase it's the easiest key to play in.  Since every key is the same color, u can relate every other key to this one.
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Offline csedwards2

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 09:58:27 AM »
You know, something just occurred to me.  I never fully explained how to get the chords formed off each scale degree.  I'm sorry for the dropping the ball yet again LGM fam, LOL.  Here's how it's done:

Scale Degree Chords

1-3-5 = major 1 chord
2-4-6 = minor 2 chord
3-5-7 = minor 3 chord
4-6-1 = major 4 chord
5-7-2 = major 5 chord
6-1-3 = minor 6 chord
7-2-4 = diminished 7 chord

Amen, Amening.

Why dont you do one more set with the seventh chord of each degree.

Offline Fenix

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 10:46:06 AM »
Fantastic stuff!!!

Can you also do one with alternate chords. E.g the VI can be either a minor, a b7#9#5 and so on and so forth?
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Offline T-Block

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 11:07:13 AM »
Amen, Amening.

Why dont you do one more set with the seventh chord of each degree.

Fantastic stuff!!!

Can you also do one with alternate chords. E.g the VI can be either a minor, a b7#9#5 and so on and so forth?

I'm trying to keep things simple fellas, LOL.  That idea about the 7th chord of each degree is not a bad one.  However, the alternate chords have been covered already at this link:    http://forums.learngospelmusic.com/index.php/topic,31163.0.html
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Offline SisterCM

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2008, 07:28:56 AM »
Again, thank you!
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Offline chevonee

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2008, 06:39:30 PM »
Please allow me to say this one mo' gin

DuDE U r A MuSiCaL GeNiUS....end of scussion (int) ;D ;D ;D

Carry on my friend....Carry on!! Do all the teaching you can right now befoe.....the wedding takes place cause after that you'll be pretty much occuppied (sp?) by the misses. You'll be teaching her T-block chapter 3 verse 17... ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D :D ;D :D ;D
Strike while the iron is hot!

Offline T-Block

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2008, 09:17:14 AM »
Please allow me to say this one mo' gin

DuDE U r A MuSiCaL GeNiUS....end of scussion (int) ;D ;D ;D

Carry on my friend....Carry on!! Do all the teaching you can right now befoe.....the wedding takes place cause after that you'll be pretty much occuppied (sp?) by the misses. You'll be teaching her T-block chapter 3 verse 17... ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D :D ;D :D ;D

Von Von, u something else.  Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate them.  Thanks to everyone else as well who have been blessed by this post. :D

As for your small print, u already know, LOL.
Real musicians play in every key!!!
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Offline musallio

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2008, 06:24:52 PM »

Carry on my friend....Carry on!! Do all the teaching you can right now befoe.....the wedding takes place cause after that you'll be pretty much occuppied (sp?) by the misses. You'll be teaching her T-block chapter 3 verse 17... ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D :D ;D :D ;D

Y do U always hv 2 steal the limelight of the real topic Vonne :D

U hv serious Jaux :D :D :D

But that's tru hey..more attention will have to go to Mrs T :D

T-Block, thanks dude..this is a great way to think of this stuff & I'm sure many ppl will find music less intimidating with teachers like U producing such material.

U better include all this in the beginners' package of the DVDs. ;)
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Offline jbohonos

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Re: Scale Degree Chords
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2015, 11:07:30 PM »
This was the most simple and logical explanation of chord building I've ever read. I wish I would have came across this yeas ago. It would have saved me hours of frustration. Keep up the good work!
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