In my Humble Opinion,
Once you have enough money to throw at anything any situation, then you practically stop growing mentally, especially if you aren't well rooted in a faith or mentally grounded. Britney is making decisions that a child makes... fits with parents, being taking advantage of by her overseer, Running away with the boyfriend/husband, wild partying... Top that off with mental issues that we now know about and the "Hollywood lifestyle".
This is stuff that "we" or someone we know has done.
Britney made the mistake of going crazy / P.C. term "finding her way" in the wrong time span. She's not the first nor the last but in this day and age... we now have access to celebs 24/7 There are people in America with relative issues spazzing out and losing control of their lives... it happens every day. However, no one cares about my crazy cousin, we'll pray for them and hope they don't get locked up.
When Angelina Jolie was doing her thing, the media culture was different, But Angelina disappeared to Cambodia or somewhere right when this new era of media sensationalism arrived and got all of them wild oats out of her system, and became a UN Ambassador...
People don't really understand how that lifestyle and the people that surround it is... It's easy to say this or that when your in East Texas, but when all you know and accepted by is your celebrity, things change/mentalities change.
I've seen humble/sincere preachers who the Lord allowed their ministry to grow abundantly... then they go just plain jack crazy.... forgetting what and who got them to that spot.. c'est la vie