Wassup fam. Ive just been wondering, what does it take to be an advanced player? What things do i have to know? What are the qualifications? Reason is so i can nail these standards and then some by the end of the year. I cant really explain my skills but as for knowledge, so far I:
*Have a nice understanding of note values
*Can read music
decently, i still need help though in some areas
*Know my role of the drumset and how to serve to music(decently)
*Have a decent of the anatomy of the drumset itself(shells, how to tune, plys, etc. that good stuff)
*I know my rudiments but am still incorporating them on the kit
Err.......i cant think of anything else at the moment, im pretty tired but responses will be greatly appreciated. Note: Hopefully ill have another clip up in about a week, just look for that "Viewers Discretion is Advised" thread. And just for a heads up i was kinda uncomfortable with the setup on the kit that I was playing on plz take that into consideration.