Wow... I'm really enjoying this topic a lot! And the manner of conversation that's taking place is actually educating and very informative in a way that provokes me to really study and hone my skills as a musician.
Aside from that, I'd begin by saying that I'd like to develop my own unique flavor of drumming.
If I must choose four drummers whose playing style I admired, it would have to be:
1)Dave Weckl ... for his discipline, technique, and understanding of where to place things(timing?). Also, I enjoy his ability to demonstrate and explain techniques/ideas in such an elementary way.
2)DeMiyon Hall ... for his ability to "talk"(phrasing?) and harmoniously compliment other musicians as well as his playing ability that makes you want to hear that song again.
3)Thomas Pridgen ... for his creative ability to piece things together. I respect his technique as well.
4)Asaph Alex Ward ... for his overall flow and his ability to compliment the music in a way that causes the listener to want to hear the songs he plays over and over again.
*There's probably more than these but I kept the author's wishes of just 4 drummers...hehe.
I'd love to hear some more feedback. I enjoy these conversations!
If anyone lives in, lives near, or will be visiting the Kansas City, MO area lets collaborate and create a time when we all can come together and learn from each other... no matter the level of experience!
I'd love to just sit and be educated by you all! This is a great topic! Two thumbs up!