As at this time i am really confused.
This is the same thing that happened with his teaching on tritones. He plays a tritone then adds a chord and doesn't say why he added that chord.
Lemme clarify my thinking. The LH is playing some kind of 1-5 progression. The thing i don't get is the RH. It seems like a series of Maj7 chords that have been inverted and the reason i think so is cuz of the semitone between the 2nd and 3rd notes as i have written them, the 3rd note being the root of the chord. whenever i see a chord shape with some kind of semitone btw 2 adjacent notes, i immediately think "maj 7". Is this wrong?
So the way i see it is this; RH is playing a series of chords with a maj 7 and a maj7b5 (if there is such a chord) after it. What i don't get is what is the order of chords? How do i know what chords i can play.
I suspect i am over-thinking this. Thanks for all the help guys.
O.K., first off the LH is not moving in 5ths, it's moving in 4ths. So, please get that straight, 4ths not 5ths. A progression starts with the first note or chord being played then goes to the next. I see 2 ways of looking at this particular progression:
Way #1In theory format, the LH scale degrees are 6-2-5-1, so that's what progression you're playing. Bass notes:
Key Db LH
Bb (6)
Eb (2)
Ab (5)
Db (1)
As for the RH, basically you have a major 7th chord in 2nd inversion for the 1st chord, then you lower the 5th 1/2 step for the second chord. Next, you take that first major 7th chord u played and lower every note 1 whole step, then repeat the process. In theory format, you have a major 7th chord built off 1 and a major 7th chord built off the b7 scale degree. Chords:
Key Db RH
Ab-C-Db-F *major 7th built off 1
G-C-Db-F *lowered 5th of above chord
Gb-Bb-Cb-Eb *major 7th built off b7
F-Bb-Cb-Eb *lowered 5th of above chord
Way #2In theory format, the LH scale degrees are 6-2, modulate down 1 whole step, then 6-2 again. So that's what progression you're playing. Bass notes:
Key Db LH
Bb (6)
Eb (2)
Key Cb LH
Ab (6)
Db (2)
As for the RH, basically you have a major 7th chord in 2nd inversion for the 1st chord, then you lower the 5th 1/2 step for the second chord. Next, you take that first major 7th chord u played and lower every note 1 whole step, then repeat the process. In theory format, you have a major 7th chord built off 1, then modulate down 1 whole step and a major 7th chord built off the 1st scale degree in that key. Chords:
Key Db RH
Ab-C-Db-F *major 7th built off 1
G-C-Db-F *lowered 5th of above chord
Key Cb RH
Gb-Bb-Cb-Eb *major 7th built off 1
F-Bb-Cb-Eb *lowered 5th of above chord
Does that make it any clearer for you?