This conversation is razor sharp on all its sides because the original poster did not really clearly state what he meant or maybe he did not realize the hole he was digging for all of us here.
I strongly believe that breaking out into Brickhouse in the middle of worship should get you shot. I also believe that music is like liquid. It should be able to be poured over everyone without missing much. In other words, a true music ministry knows how to bring it home to Jesus by reaching EVERYONE and alienating NOONE.
What may be great for the twenty somethings might disrupt the sixty somethings in the congregation. If music actual gets in the way of what God is trying to do, it should be removed.
So, I guess you can ask yourself this. When you are playing a hymn and the mood takes you to do something with it that is 'fresh', ask yourself if you are Glorifying HIS name or trying to satisfy your own vanity. If what you are doing will bring people closer to Him, I say seek ye da funk. If it will otherwise, distract from the Message at hand... Use your head.
I play a few jazz services every now and again. This is different than a gospel service as the music is lighter and set up for more of a lighter sound. We do not use organ on these Sundays. Only piano, bass, drums and sax. It is a tool to refresh the congregation from perhaps their getting stale or that deer in the headlights look that happens when people do the same thing over and over. Again, it is a tool to bring people back in focus with God. We have used theater and dance for the same reasons. It refreshes the mind so that you are ready to receive God's word.
You are never on the platform for yourself...