Can someone give me a little more info on these 6 other cycles? I would like to study them!
the basic idea he is speaking of if i am correct is how the chord roots move
the most common root motion is in fourths
so if you are in the key of C your c chord will want to go the F ( afourth)
if you are on the G your bass will want to resolve to the C ( a fourth )
if you are on thhe A your root will want to move to the D (a fourth)
the next common moverment is in fifths
so the G will go to D
and the C will go to G
and the E will go to B and the D will go to A
the next one that is used in gospel currently is hte whole step
now each chord will move to the chord a whole step away in parallel motion in other words the chords will not change qualiy
when we did the fourth motion usually the chords will adjust to fit the key
but when we use whole steops we eiher use a major chord or a minor 11 chord and hold tht quality
the next cycle wyould be half steps
ith these you may keep the same quality or change as if you were playing in fourths but the bass miovement now changes
the next is to move in
then minor thirds
i never used any others
but i guess you could expand the idea to move in tritones
or augmented 5ths
or 6ths
or b7ths
a bugged out idea i never thought about it but hey why not right?
but I was not using minor thirds in my progression i was using fourths
G to C
C to f
F to Bb
Bb to Eb
Eb to Ab
all fourths movements