I like Skeeter, and the two guys with the button ups!! J drew was good also but I especially liked the guy playing the Pacific because I loved how clean his licks were.... The crowd didn't oooooo and ahhhh like they did for Drew and Skeeter but I was in front of my computer ooooing and ahhhing....
That dude was killing, but I think that was, in part, due to the sound of that Pacific set. That thing sounded awesome compared to the other kits.
that was Dexter in the white button up, not KP, Dexter is a quiet lowkey monster, he will be on the new G/C shed, and Kevin "Chip" Ginyard holding the cowbell down...
BANANAS!!!! I knew Billy and Doobie were ill, but not Kevin!! Whewwww! Thanks for the post! Could be voted best LGM post of 2007!