I know this is slightly off of the topic but how many songs do your choir sing during the service?
At my church, we do praise and worship (2 or 3 songs) and a selection for offering. That's it. For altar call (after the sermon) I just play instrumental music but there's no singing. My pastor just keeps trucking from the sermon until he does the benediction...
Processional ( song 1)
Praise and Worship ( song 2)
Congregational Hymn (song3)
Church theme song ( song 4 but its the same song all the time. We do while we greet our visitors)
Offering (song5 This is a choir selection)
Alter Call ( song 6 again a choir selection, then a vamp during which the minister prays)
Selection ( song 7)
Song of Preparation ( song 8 - This is right before the preacher preaches)
Invitation to Discipliship (song 9)
Benediction ( usually 3 fold A-Men, but if the pastor is feeling it, he might ask for another song)
Personally I think its too much, but that is what our schedule look like.
If there is a baptism we add "Take me to the Water" to the above list.
If there is communion, we add "The Blood will never lose it Power"
We usually keep the congregational song the same for a month, same thing for offering.