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Author Topic: Is it a SIN for a boy/man to have an earring or anyone ot have a tattoo?  (Read 8286 times)


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What do you think???? ?/?

Offline csedwards2

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in your search through the scriptures on jewelry and keeping our temples, what did you find?

Offline acts2-38

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What do you think???? ?/?

First, you have to make sure you know what a sin is. But I believe the term for for this issue is non ecclesiastical.

Well,  as long as you dont go to far, and thats just as anything else. Like, its not wrong to eat, but if you eat too much and aint hungry, its a sin(Gluttany).

Other than that, I dont believe you will go to hell for having an earring in your ear or a tatoo.
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Is it a sin?  It depends on the individual and what they believe.  I myself don't believe it's a sin. 

There is no universal answer for this question.
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Offline vtguy84

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I have counted over 5 threads talking about this subject on the site.  None of which came to "the correct answer".  Reason being is because it is based on the person's personal convictions.
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A to the MIZEN

**walks off, polishing his earrings...**

Offline blessedhands80

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I had 2 piercings before i dedicated my life to Christ. I took them out because i felt like they weren't for me. Now...i sure hope I'm not going to Hell for having 3 tattoos. I just don't have a billion dollars(LOL) to get them removed.
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Offline Furious Styles

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I remember in high school my pastor absolutely freaked when I pierced my ear. He thought it was an effeminate spirit. Of course I didn't see it that way then nor do I view as such now. I was inspired by the cool guys who had the earrings. Eddie Murphy, Malcom Warner and other famous black men in the early 90's.  African Kings wore earrings in their ears which highlighted a symbol of wealth and power. In college I continued to wear my ear rings but grew out of the fad as I matured. I don't knock the next man for his choice in the fad however I am concerned about the spirtual aspect. Does one seek to draw attention to themselves with the article? Typically some do but how is that any different than any other article of clothing on men and women?

As a member of a fraternity I have five brands. Two on my arms, two on my legs and 1 on my chest. It's cool but I do have some regrets. Some people may see these things as a stumbling block due to some of their convictions and expectations of a "christian".
My charge to all of us is that our lives line up with God's true nature. This highlights Paul's words of if a man be in Christ he is a new creature. I understand those words more clearly than ever before. The earrings and brands were to serve a purpose that didn't bring glory to God but to me. It was to fit into a culture that demanded that I conform to them.

I believe know that these such items in some cases can take away from us being peculiar. The question is can we be pecuilar with these articles? Would we still be pecuilar with them? Chances are we can be if we totally submit to the will of God for our lives. This shows people who don't know God as we do our willingness to humble ourselves subsequently allowing the lost to see God. This eliminates the focus from articles of clothing, brands and tatoos. Then the focus can now be on the God we serve. My 3 cents..
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I had 2 piercings before i dedicated my life to Christ. I took them out because i felt like they weren't for me. Now...i sure hope I'm not going to Hell for having 3 tattoos. I just don't have a billion dollars(LOL) to get them removed.

if we're saved by our own works or stuff like not having tattoos then we're all damned anyway... it's either Jesus' way or no way for us...

Offline blessedhands80

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if we're saved by our own works or stuff like not having tattoos then we're all damned anyway... it's either Jesus' way or no way for us...
...so you're saying.......
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Offline sjonathan02

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...so you're saying.......

not much of anything.  ::)  :D
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I was inspired by the cool guys who had the earrings. Eddie Murphy, Malcom Warner and other famous black men in the early 90's. 

Offline blessedhands80

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  • Kailyn Rose 9-4-07...MY BUNDLE OF JOY..

not much of anything.  ::)  :D
Thank you for the clarity...Overseer....... ;)
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...so you're saying.......

What I'm saying is in regards to this post, which said....

Now...i sure hope I'm not going to Hell for having 3 tattoos.

Maybe it was the context, I didn't include his quote.

"if we're saved by our own works or stuff like not having tattoos then we're all damned anyway... it's either Jesus' way or no way for us..."

Offline Keys410

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Man I have both ears pierced, I was a child of God before I got them, and still am a child of God after. I feel like this my earrings have not stopped me from hearing from God so there is no problem with it...I believe the name for this thread is a I.R.T.T
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Man I have both ears pierced, I was a child of God before I got them, and still am a child of God after. I feel like this my earrings have not stopped me from hearing from God so there is no problem with it...I believe the name for this thread is a I.R.T.T

So true....

If having sex unmarried, using profanity, having children out of wedlock, killing people, lying, stealing, cheating, NON TITHING, BEING GAY AND ENJOYING THAT ACTIVE LIFESTYLE,  and any other 'sin' cant send a SAVED person to hell, then why would a tattoo or piercing do that ?/?

Leviticus 19:28 says

Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

Romans 12:1-2 also says

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Why would a SAVED person, knowig that piercings and tattoos and such are of this world, go ahead and do that? Once you are aware, you are ACCOUNTABLE for YOUR actions. A person that has done this PIRIOR to accepting Jesus as their savior is in no danger of going to hell.... because they are SAVED... Prayerfully, after being taught, this person will remove the piercing, and cover the tattoos. The more that you feed the new nature with Gods word and truths, the old nature will starve and that ear ring and tattoo or whatever will fade away.... and that person wont need it. They will see where it is not of God.
I had my tongue pierced, and I have three tattoos aswell. If you came at me and said I was going to hell, I would smack you with scripture that says otherwise.

Where do people get this stuff from?

Offline Furious Styles

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You make some great points. I think this comes from a zeal without knowledge. Jesus was questioned about his authority from on high because physically he didn't look the part of the messiah!! The scribes and pharasees always tried to discredit him with his earthly appearance. God didn't allow it because of the tremendous fruit that Jesus produced. The same ought to be said about us as his disciples.

Our "fruitbaskets" should be overflowing with spiritual attributes(fruit). God knows truthfully where we are. Outer appearance is the easiest thing to attack. God reveals unto man his nature if he so desires it. So many times we find justification on why we should remain in darkness rather than coming over into the light. If we see a brother in a compromising place spiritually then we are obligated to address them. (in love) We have all been guilty of addressing our brother or sister in our flesh instead of love.

Everyone doesn't recieve everything right then. It is written One planted, One watered but God gives the increase. I think this thought is perfect for situations such as these. Our own righteousness is filthy!!! The spirit of God through love is what shows a person where they can improve.. I thank God for all of the people who loved my stubborn self!!
I do my best not to lose sight of that but sometimes I allow "religion" to get the best of me.. I'm sure we all do...
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You make some great points. I think this comes from a zeal without knowledge. Jesus was questioned about his authority from on high because physically he didn't look the part of the messiah!! The scribes and pharasees always tried to discredit him with his earthly appearance. God didn't allow it because of the tremendous fruit that Jesus produced. The same ought to be said about us as his disciples.

Our "fruitbaskets" should be overflowing with spiritual attributes(fruit). God knows truthfully where we are. Outer appearance is the easiest thing to attack. God reveals unto man his nature if he so desires it. So many times we find justification on why we should remain in darkness rather than coming over into the light. If we see a brother in a compromising place spiritually then we are obligated to address them. (in love) We have all been guilty of addressing our brother or sister in our flesh instead of love.

Everyone doesn't recieve everything right then. It is written One planted, One watered but God gives the increase. I think this thought is perfect for situations such as these. Our own righteousness is filthy!!! The spirit of God through love is what shows a person where they can improve.. I thank God for all of the people who loved my stubborn self!!
I do my best not to lose sight of that but sometimes I allow "religion" to get the best of me.. I'm sure we all do...

B really nailed the point.

Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

That's what the Bible says.

To get tattoos is an act of conforming.  You'd be hard-pressed to convince anyone that it isn't. 

Now, if you got them when you were UNSAVED, and you've received the Lord, then you are a new creature, and that's gone.  Even if it's still on your body, The Lord sees you as a New Creature.

But why would a New Creature continue to act as if they were a part of the world?  We are not a part of the world.  Our citizenship is in heaven, and we should act the part.

Note: Saying that our own righteousness is "filthy" is a truth, because where sin abounded grace did much more abound. 

But shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
God forbid.

There are STILL things that we shouldn't do.

There are STILL guidelines.

The fact that we are justified by Christ is NOT an excuse to do whatever we please.

Offline sjonathan02

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B really nailed the point.

Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

That's what the Bible says.

To get tattoos is an act of conforming.  You'd be hard-pressed to convince anyone that it isn't. 

Now, if you got them when you were UNSAVED, and you've received the Lord, then you are a new creature, and that's gone.  Even if it's still on your body, The Lord sees you as a New Creature.

But why would a New Creature continue to act as if they were a part of the world?  We are not a part of the world.  Our citizenship is in heaven, and we should act the part.

Note: Saying that our own righteousness is "filthy" is a truth, because where sin abounded grace did much more abound. 

But shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
God forbid.

There are STILL things that we shouldn't do.

There are STILL guidelines.

The fact that we are justified by Christ is NOT an excuse to do whatever we please

I, now, await the arrival of his Hammerness.  ::) :D :D
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Thanks FS..... i get what you are sayin.

I JUST TOOK MY TONGUE RING OUT RECENTLY. It did not feel right being a leader in my church, with that thing... LOL.

Besides, I cant tell the young girls not to, when I am sitting here with one in my mouth. It tok me a long time to take the Monroe out, and the eye brow.... But I did. i was told the same exact scriptures, and I didnt receive them. In 2006, I didnt receive them. I was proud of my tats.... I showed them off.... At a church BBQ in my bathing suit with tats showing..... And THEN at that point, the scripture, the discussions, and preaching all hit me like a ton of bricks. Its a blessing to have the Holy Spirit around all the time.... Keeps me in check. LOL.
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