Hey young MoM...
The only advice I can share with you is do your best to expand your knowledge of music beyond your years. I was born and raised Missionary Baptist and when I started playing for my first church I was only 12 on the piano. Know that people will despise you for your youth like the scripture quoted earlier says but don't let that discourage you.
Do your part and for every Tye Tribbett song you lead or teach, make sure you learn some old school stuff also. Believe me, if you want to get respect from the older folks break out with one of them old hymns that they barely even know like Great is Thy Faithfullness or I Have Decided to Follow Jesus... and you will EARN their respect.
Don't go out and try to dress older, talk older or even act older but know that for every one person wishing you fail there are several others who want you to succeed. Enjoy your youth bruh because you won't be young forever, the next thing you know you'll be sharing with a young cat like I'm sharing with you. I'm 31 now by the way...
Be blessed,