But not as a member? That doesn't make logical sense. What you're describing, to ME, sounds like a Merc.
you talk about logic? in the kingdom of God? when it says in the word that God will use the foolish things to confound the wise.
but to set you straight on a point or two mr SjONathob
a meercenary has no allegience to any king
he will go to who is paying the most
sometimes they have morals but usually any war will do
I will only fight for King Jesus
and Jesus has many generals and colonals some fighting according to his battle plans and some doing their own thing (those not following the gospel message) but still christians
I reserve my right to draw the line that the house I play in ascribes to the gospel message
but it is not a requirement of mine that the person pastoring the house be qualified to be my pastor.
you say it doesent sound logical
so I ask you are wise
and me foolish
are you confounded?I guess to follow Your line of thinking i should only play in houses of worship where the person is qualified
to be my pastor
To be honest the last house of worship that i would have been a member of wouldnt keep me because i was not good enough they wanted someone with a higher skill level of musicianship
so i guess i should just wait until i get good enough to play for a strong ministry and let my gift just be idle in the mean time
and until i find that house dont play for anyone???????????????????
even though God told me to quit my day job and follow him i should just ignore that and get a secular job that can pay my bills ad maybe play for free somewhere.
or lower my standards and take anybody who is willing to hire me and call them my pastor ?????????????
I cant do that
See I was wlling to examine myself and see it from the other side but I doubt seriously anyone has really taken the time to see it from the other side.
You put in bold my battlefield analogy
but what about my being a sheep
that was more important then me fighting on the battlefield because i need soul salvation to
and i need to be lead and educated and taught
the choice of a pastor is personal and what i do in my music ministry is what I do for the congregation on the Behalf of my savior
and I am a workman worthy of my hire
I will serve my master as I feel he has called me to serve
and i advse you to not judge another masters servant for he stands before his master to be judged