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Author Topic: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!  (Read 1346 times)


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The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« on: December 12, 2006, 09:32:00 PM »
I'd like to share some of God's goodness with my LGM family.

I have not been behind an instrument in a good year or so and I have missed that let me tell you.

This past Sunday, my family and I went BACK to the downtown church we were part of for a year and moved on August of 2005
First I'd like to say it was good to be back and God did not dissapoint, the songs were on point just what we needed and the preaching
was spirit led.  Many of the folk welcomed us back on this visit.

I'm getting to why this is in the Ministy section.

We had such a good time my wife said we should go Tuesday night for praise service, it turned out to be prayer service but God is good.

The assistant Pastor, after a couple songs were already sung acapella, motions me up to play. 

At this point I'm like "oh Jesus, I aint played in a minute and I got to go up here and I'm just visiting"

I get up there and struggle a bit to find what key they are in, find it but Ooooo... it's not pretty.  I finally get comfortable with what they were singing, I'm not sure what song it was but I followed.

Here is wher God steps in, I later found out my wife was praying for me cause let me tell you at first it was ROUGH.....

This sister starts singing "We Exalt Thee" and I find my groove, and finally the annointing takes over.  I found myself unable to stop playing this song even though they had stopped singing, the spirit IN ME would not let me.  I continued to play and each go round it was different with God giving me different voicing to add and what not...

I continued to play in the spirit, some singing would start again, then just the music and folk were just soakin in the glory of what God was doing.  You could feel the spirit in that room.  I would try to wind down the song do an ending walkdown and still unable to complete the song.  I felt in my mind that I needed to stop and give someone else a chance to bring up a song or testimony but still I played.  I finally brought the song to a close after about a good 10 to 15 minutes.  I felt I could have played that song all night.

After the close of service, a small group of us including the pastor were talkin and we were all in agreement with the song resounding in our spirits.  The pastor said had I played that song any longer he would have called everyone to the alter and get on thier knees and worship God.  I now wish I would have continued to play.

I say this to those that use thier gift of music for God.  You need to be "plugged in" and be sensitive to the move of the spirit.  Music is not just music, it is a device that can bring us to the place that God can speak to us.  It tears down our fleshly walls, breaks through our temperment, makes us forget what we go through day after day in this world so we can focus on God

I had someone say to me, " you can't decide not go to a church cause you don't like the music"  I say shenanagins!!!

I will say that music is not music without God's annointing upon it.  When you don't take the MINISTRY of music seriously it's just noise
Music with the annointing behind it has POWER and I have go to have me some POWER if you want me to be part of that ministry.


*steps down from soapbox*

Offline vtguy84

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Re: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2006, 10:03:23 PM »
Awesome Word, Kad.  ;D
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Offline ddw4e

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Re: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2006, 10:06:56 PM »
Wonderful testimony! Anointing is definitely what's makes the music ministry be in sync with not just each other but with God.  Each time you play it has to be fresh and real.  It puts you in tune with the service...sometimes you determine how the service runs. You can be playing chords that you never played before and sometimes have a hard time trying to figure out what you played but it's all from God's anointing.

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2006, 06:23:05 AM »
A TO DA  MEN!!!!!

And, this goes for all of those singers who think that their Kim Burrell style runs are what makes a song.  ;)

Everyone needs to be tapped in and following what God has set up.  :D

Despite our communication technology, no invention is as effective as the sound of the human voice.


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Re: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2006, 08:09:05 AM »

A TO DA  MEN!!!!!

(just had to borrow that!)

Now ya'll know how I feel about this subject! I think its awesome that people are experiencing the power and the anointing of GOD when they play and remove themselves from it. 


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Re: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2006, 08:14:08 AM »
Exactly unique...

in order for the music to MINISTER, you have to submit your tallent and let the spirit flow through you.

I was nearly speaking in tongues last night when that song just resonated in my spirit.  I Thank GOD for counting me worthy to be connected to HIM in such a special way!!!

Offline The Kingdom Musician

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Re: The key to the Music Ministry is Annointing!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2006, 04:43:36 PM »
I agree.  The annointing makes the difference.  If you don't mind I would like to share an example with you.  Every christmas we go under a tree or in a closet or some where and retrieve a gift.  Most of the time this gift needs batteries.  Until you place batteries in the gift it will not operate properly.  You can sometimes play like it is working or whatever, but it will not function correctly.  The same goes with music.  God has freely given (Gifts and callings of God are without repentance Rom 11:29) musical gifts to some, but the condition of truth is for the gift to operate at full capacity.  Many musicians and singers today are not operating to their full capacity, because they don't embrace the Power of God. You Must have the Annointing!!!

For the Kingdom,
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