Hello my name is Kreston Smith. I have been teaching saxophone since 1993. I am a graduate of the University Of Memphis - Music Education - Saxophone Emphasis and I am the owner of Bartlett Music Academy.
Improvising first of all comes from listening to all sorts of players. Ie. John Coltrane, Charlie Parker, Maceo Parker, Michael Brecker, Bob Mintzer, Tom Scott, Richard Elliot, Kirk Whalum Etc. Go to your local library and search for Saxophone. Check the cd's out for 25 cents and listen listen listen. You learned how to talk by listening likewise you learn how to play by listening.
Now on to what to do to develop your craft. First play the follwing notes in order: C G D A E B f# c# Ab Eb Bb F (This is the circle of Fifths.)
Now go back and play each major scale in that order without stopping ie cdefgabcbagfedc, gabcdef#gf#edcbag, etc If you do not know your major scales email me at
bartlettmusicacademy@hotmail.com. I have a book I wrote that I can send to you that will teach you your major scales in 30 minutes Guaranteed.
Now play your major 1-3-5 and Minor chords 1-b3-5 Ie MAJOR-CEG, GBD,DF#A,etc MINOR - CEbG, GBbD, DFA, etc.
Now play the chromatic scale off each note for one octave.
Most music moves in ii-V-I and I-IV-V order. Now play a
ii -minor - 1-b3-5 (DFA),
V-Dominant 7 - 1-3-5-b7 (GBDF), I- CEGB
DO this in the circle of fifths as well. Ie in G - ii-aceg, V-df#ac, I-gbdf#
Now go back and do I-IV-V CEGB, FACE, GBDF.
Once you have done all these exercises you will have a vocabulary of basics. Your technique will be better and you will have some basic changes in your ear. Use metronome when doing these exercises. It is the only way to improve your time.
Now go buy two books.
Major and minor Scales in all keys - Jamey Abersold and
Maiden Voyage - Jamey Abersold.
After you purchase these two books start with the Scales book and work with the cd playing the track that is
your C major scale. Eb track for Alto, Bb for tenor. Now play the C scale up and down about 10 times in quater notes, then eighth notes, then sixteenth notes. THen repeat each note twice ie cc, dd, ee ,ff etc then three times, then four times. Afterwards play the modes. Ionian(Major)Cdefgabc, Dorian- defgabc, phrygian-efgabcde, lydian - fgabcdef, Mixolydian - gabcdefg, Aeolian (Natural Minor)- abcdefga, and finally Locarian-bcdefgab.
Then go back and do the twos, threes, and fours on each of these. If you have any method books like Rubank Advanced or Elementary you can use the studies on each key with the tracks as well.
Then play the 7th chords for each mode, CEGB, DFAC, EGBD, FACE, GBDF, ACEG, BDFA,CEGB, BDFA,ACEG,FACE,EGBD,DFAC,CEGB.
Now you have a vocabulary to work with. Now take your notes and exercises (words) and form ideas (sentences) out of them. You will be surprised how free you will feel now. Improvising is a craft that takes A LOT of practice. To hear examples of my playing, check out
www.bartlettmusicacademy.com Mp3 Recodings of our teachers - Kreston Smith. I have 11 tracks there of Jazz, Gospel, Classical, and R&b.
I hope this helps you.