I've been receiving quite a few PM's on exercises for the voice. These are very hard to explain in words....so if I haven't replied quite yet it is because I'm trying to gather exercises for some of y'alls questions. Sorry!!! Well, i've also been going through cd's of my lessons trying to see if I can post some of them so y'all can actually hear them. Unfortunately, this is going to take a while since :
1. My parents computer is not up to date with the newest technology
2. My vocal cd's (30+) are spread out all over the place and I just don't have the time to go through every single one like I want.
3. I'm not up on the male voice as much as the female. I can still help with general information regarding the voice. As for the male, it will sometimes have to get back to you because I'm asking some of my male friends what is best for the male register.
NOTE: Please remember I have been trained to sing alot of classical music, which must also be sung so the voice is not damaged. Alot of people do not agree with the things I say because singing gospel music is something sung from the soul and usually the THROAT...which can be pretty damaging. So, I've been trying to incorporate correct vocal training and gospel singing...which is pretty hard to combine because sometimes the sound can sound more operatic than that rich gospel sound we are used to hearing. So, just letting you all know I might not be what some of y'all are looking for because I am also trying to swich my style back to gospel which is hard because I was singing it wrong in the beginning when I THOUGHT it sounded good and now that i've had training...correcting it has been a little difficult.
With ALL OF THIS SAID...PLEASE pray for me as I try to help y'all the best I can and also myself. Still keep sending me messages though and I will try to answer them the best I can.
Much love and many blessings
Ms. Klarity