Ok LGM, I need some advice....
We have 3 choirs - Tots, Teenagers, and Grown Folks. (these are not the official names but i'm making a point here.)
So the Teenagers and Grown Folks were already around for years. The MOM and another woman decided to break off some of the children and form a Tots choir. Well I thought TOTS were babies cut off would be like 5. These tots are 8, 9, 11. Which isn't teenager but very close.
For 2 years I have only played for the Teenagers. So the MOM has left the church and they are looking at me to pick up the TOTS and the Grown Folks. Well, I suggested that we eliminate the "TOTS" as they are not tots and just have the teenagers and grown folks.
#1 The MOM had no loyalty to something she started by leaving.
#2 the other lady is soooo inconsistent. She may be at church one Sunday and miss 3.
So the choir director for the Teenagers suggest that we just all sing together and we can begin training their voices. I"m for it because I don't want the kids just idle.
Well the other lady is having a fit saying that she don't see why we can't continue to have a TOTS choir. She has 3 kids in the tots choir and dont' want them to sing with the teenagers they are 8, 9, 11! They are not tots.
My push back with her is she is not going to be there to train them. No one else is working with them. It will all fall on me. I ain't for it when they can just join the choir that I already play for.
What ya'll think?