I ristore rected it...
You just be glad the Grammar Wizard ain't hanging out in this room.....he'd have a field day!
*runs in the bathroom and paints face black and green, then puts on tenniskitball helmet and matching velvet kneepads and grabs footsketball mit* Last one to the swimming ball track is a rotten......*trips over diesiel powered pogo stick*
How many times do I have to tell you to put that away... SHEESH... see if you had on my stealth soda powered invisible skates... you would have glided right over it... But I got my purple ballerina skate jacket and my basketball helmet... and Imma beat you to the swimming ball track... Because I just filled my skates with PEPSI!!!!
Your Pepsi is flat and so are your skates!
IT'S BACK...HHHHAAAALLLLLLLEEEELLLLLLUUUUUJJ JJJAAAAAHHHHH.......I AM ALRIGHT NOW...... Well it's off to the ramen noodle waffle ironing board gameroom to meet with the wonderful wizard of oz...he knows the secret code to the super stealth jet with 150 inch rims....
Nakia rolled over my bowling racket with her flat Pepsi powered skates.
I got neon shoutin' towels. No bowties though.