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Author Topic: Basic Theory-Conclusion of Minor and Major 2nds  (Read 1056 times)

Offline c3hamby

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Basic Theory-Conclusion of Minor and Major 2nds
« on: April 13, 2005, 12:48:36 PM »
Today we will talk about the white key major and minor seconds.

First I want to review and clarify some things we discussed yesterday
about the white key major seconds.

An easier way to remember how to turn white key minor seconds into
major 2nds is this:

Either flat the 1st note 1/2 step or sharp the 2nd note 1/2 step.


E/F:  If you flat E, then Eb/F is a major 2nd, if you sharp F, E/F# is a
major 2nd.

B/C:  If you Flat B, then Bb/C is a major 2nd, if you sharp C then B/C#
is a major 2nd.

This should be a bit more clear.


The white key major 2nds are:

C/D, D/E, F/G, G/A, A/B

Notice again, how all of these share the same accidental, they are all

If you want to retain these notes as major 2nds, then they have to share
the same accidental.

Example: A major second then from Cb would be Db. A major 2nd up from C#
would be D#.  

In order to make a minor 2nd from the white key major seconds:

Either sharp the 1st note 1/2 step or flat the 2nd note 1/2 step.


If you sharp C, then you have C#/D, a minor 2nd.  
If you flat D, then you have C/Db, a minor 2nd.  

Now you should be able to name any major or minor 2nd that there is from
these lessons. If you can't, respond back in the group or send me a pm.
There are no stupid questions.  

Next time we'll move on to major 3rds.  We'll follow that with Perfect
4ths, and then all we have to do is 'invert' what we have already learned
to make the remaining intervals.  

Remember, do not confuse major or minor as they relate to keys and scales
with these terms as they relate to intervals.
Thanks for letting me hang with you guys!
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