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Author Topic: Respect  (Read 2063 times)

Offline Pezzy

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« on: March 21, 2011, 10:29:59 AM »
Hey guys i have a situation going on in the senior choir where there is an issue of respect mainly towards me. Its seems as if the dont respect me at all, which i think was made quite evident one day a meeting at church where one choir member said " the only reason no one says anything to you is because you are the pastor's son." They try and talk over me when i talk, when i say sing they just keep on talking. I dont have this issue with our PT or youth choir. I dont know if its b/c im younger than them or if its b/c i am the pastors son. But it is becoming very hard to deal with. Please guys give me some advice I would be very grateful.


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Re: Respect
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 10:35:04 AM »
I absolutely understand what you're going through (except not being a Pastor's son).

First, I say address the issue to your pastor and/or to the president of the choir. If they choose not to address the issue try to continue serving looking at the big picture. What's your personality like? Do you consider yourself assertive? If so be assertive. Sometimes it's best to just do what you gotta do and not say much unless they call you out of your name.

Just my 2 cents.

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Respect
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 11:02:37 AM »
First of all, it's hard to respond to this without knowing a few details... but based off what you gave us to work with, if I were you, I would try my best to handle this myself, without involving my pastor/dad.

It may be time for you to have a come to Jesus meeting with them. Pray about the situation and the resolution. Then, at the next rehearsal, address the choir with your concerns and make it clear what you expect from them and what they can expect from you. Leave space for any questions or comments, and be prepared to openly and honestly address whatever their concerns are. But be sure to maintain control, otherwise it could turn into a shouting match or a "them against you" attack. And be sure to let them know that after this discussion, personal issues are not to be handled during rehearsal, but they can feel free to see you or contact you after or before rehearsal.

Basically, I think most of this can be resolved by you just being clear on what your expectations are of them, and then enforcing it. Be kind, be pleasant and respectful, be firm but easygoing, be ministry-minded, be about your business, and be consistent.

Most importantly, I would encourage you to keep something in mind that most people rarely consider: they may be right and you may be wrong. Just keep that in the back of your mind as you listen to their concerns.
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Offline Pezzy

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Re: Respect
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 12:11:57 PM »
I have tried to talk to them about whats going on but it seems that they dont really care. I think alot of the problem is i grew up in this church, i came to the church when i was 3 years old and i will be 27 next month so they have literally watched me grow up and so when i do say things to them or try to be assertive they just look at me like who is he talkin to. I will say i try to be assertive but when i am i get accused of being a dictator. So i guess im in a lose lose situation.

Offline ilovetosingforgod

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Re: Respect
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 12:22:40 PM »
I totally understand......
I was thinking I was the only person going through this...
I have been praying and asking god to show me the way to deal with people and their ways....
What I have learned with dealing with people is that there are so use of what it was and and how was done and they are not one to let other people in.
When you find a individual that has a made up mind and wants to take the choir to a different level (or even has the ability to do such) they CLAM up and become resentful, malicious, and vindictive......

I have decided that I was not going give people the oppty to say anything to me....
They like to act standoffish.... so why not do them that way,.......
People at church want tell you up front that they dont like you they will be quiet and show you in their actions.....
Pray .... Stand firm on his word.....
Treat others the same as you would normally..... Trust God will take these same people and make them your footstool.....

Im comment a little more.... Later ......

This really hits home.....
The Jesus in me Loves the Jesus in you!!!


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Re: Respect
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 12:24:59 PM »
I have tried to talk to them about whats going on but it seems that they dont really care. I think alot of the problem is i grew up in this church, i came to the church when i was 3 years old and i will be 27 next month so they have literally watched me grow up and so when i do say things to them or try to be assertive they just look at me like who is he talkin to. I will say i try to be assertive but when i am i get accused of being a dictator. So i guess im in a lose lose situation.

Wow! You sound just like me. I've been at my home church all my life as well and I'm running right into the same problems you are. Let me add (LaRue has said it all!) that you may want to pray about looking at opportunities outside your home church. Sometimes we flourish better away from where we've been all our lives. And yes, some of them will never be able to see you for who you are today and will only look at you for who you've been in the past (the little child).

Offline betnich

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Re: Respect
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 12:56:15 PM »
Ah! The 'prophet not being honored in his hometown' syndrome. People may think they know you, and try to address you like a little kid.

If it's just a few, see if peer pressure from the other choir members would rein the naysayers in ("Shh! We're trying to have a rehearsal here!") And perhaps some Bible on treating others with respect may help.

If it's any small comfort, our Lord suffered this...townspeople almost stoned Him and ran Him out of town. But it was not His time yet...

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: Respect
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2011, 01:29:43 PM »
I'm about to write a blog on this subject... it probably won't say anything I haven't already said here, but I'll let you know when it's up.
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Offline Pezzy

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Re: Respect
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2011, 02:14:35 PM »
I thank you all for your words of wisdom. I really felt like I was the only person that had to deal with this problem. I guess this situation is hard on me b/c i love the ppl at my church so much, but a person can only take so much. But i thank God that he is growing me up and i know this situation is only a test to see if i really am gonna trust him.

Offline vtguy84

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Re: Respect
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2011, 02:46:29 PM »
Sometimes you have to demand respect....and I don't mean berating them and telling them to respect you.  There are a lot of key factors that may come into play, so based on what you shared I can only go off things I have experienced.  A choir will quickly lose focus and attention if they don't see you prepared. (aka trying to find notes, stumbling over parts, etc.)  I have worked with over 100 choirs in my time and talking is the #1 issue of almost all the choirs I have worked with.  I have become numb to it and have learned to command the room to pay attention by not letting them see it bother me.  One thing I do to show the importance of being silent is if I am playing a CD and they are talking, I'll just stop and say "ok let's go because you must know it". 

I'm very no-nonsense when it comes to rehearsal, however I respect all my choir members so in turn, I get respect back.  Let us know how you decide to handle it.  I don't think going to your dad is going to solve anything; it might make things worse.
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Re: Respect
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2011, 08:28:04 PM »
I started directing my church choir when I was 14 years old, now that was hard. I raised my voice when I was 14, I knew I was talking to my elders, but I told them,"when I'm in front of you talking, i'm not anyways friend, son, cousin, etc. Im the choir director and you need to listen and pay attention." some got angry and some understood. To get respect I think you should show them that you mean business at rehersal!

Offline GodzChozen1

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Re: Respect
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2011, 05:21:49 AM »
Wow!!!! I sat and read all the comments made and every1 made some interesting comments. I am a pastors son and have faced the same situation. Its hard when you've been in a church your entire life. Every1 sees you as that little boy or girl instead of the man or wamn that you've become. That still doesn't give them the right to disrespect you. You have to pray about this situation. Be assertive with them so they know where you stand. If they still don't show you the respect you deserve, pray about finding another ministry that whwould give you the respect you deserve. Sometimes you have to leave home. When I left I found a church that appreciated my gift and what I brought to the ministry as a whole. I hope this helps you. Be blessed!
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