thank you for the insight...well the choir has sang songs like Faithful is Our God, Grateful, He's Able, Lord i love you Yes I love you, and many old school songs. there choir consist of 15 people and we have a keyboard, guitar, drums and bass.
I like that kind of set-up. Having the guitar opens you up for a lot of Israel & The New Breed stuff, if your keyboardist doesn't mind playing in E
- You Are Good / Friend of God medley
If you have a strong female vocalist, you could consider
- Like The Dew - Judith Christie McAllister
It's cool for letting the instruments lock in to a nice groove while the soloist interacts with the congregation and the choir catches its breath.
Listen to
- Get Ready For Your Miracle - Norman Hutchins
- Stir Up The Gift - Joe Pace
- The Blessing Of Abraham - Donald Lawrence
Later this month, one of my choirs is going to use the first verse of "God Is Here" - Martha Munizzi, as an introit and "Come Let Us Worship The Lord (In The Beauty Of Holiness)" as a processional. I think that would work great for a concert. "Enter In" - Joe Pace would also make a nice introit.
There's a song that my other choir is working on that I think would sound great in a concert setting. I'm not sure if the name of it is "That's When You Blessed Me" or "Just When I Needed You Most", but those are the phrases that repeat the most.
That's what I have off the top of my head.