I was thinking everyday at the same time same hour even if theres a time difference if i could get a couple of people to pray with me, so that the power of GOD would stregthen us in our daily walk, and help stay in his presence monday thru sunday, just think of the power and awesomeness of God, how much it will help us stay focus and draw us closer to him, so if i could please get a couple of believers to come into agreement with me, I ask you lets go to the nxt level, cause i need a breakthrough. YoungVinny
Ok this is how it works you dont neccessarly have to post your prayer on the sitewhat evertime we all choose together , where ever your at, when it hits 8oclock for example. we all have to stop what were doing and start praying for one full hour if possible the earilier the better. if your 2mins late thats ok make up your 2mins at the end..lol..but anyways well all have to choose a time so who joins we are all praying together, so for example pacific timers if we start at 6am than those that are eastern timer pray with us at 9am, now those that are central time are two hours ahead of pacific time pray at 8am, those that live in utah, idaho or colorado or somethin like pray at 7am, if your from the east coast make sure you guys all pray together at the time for one full hour, i prefer we all pray early morning say 5am or 6am, but its up tp you. So if you want a breakthrough to recieve more power from GOD now is the timepacific time/ 5am6am7am8am