Okay there was a thread on here that got hijacked and a subject came up about "what is a prophet?"...........Well this is a commercial from that subject.
Anyways ev'rybody give this a little thought.
Are we not all prophets of one thing or another?
Isn't it a matter of what your message is?
I mean think on it for a little while. I'm sure all of us have been a part of something in our communities (family, school, sports team, country club etc.) where you were the only saved person in the group.
By that stance do we not become a prophet of God?
Since we are all s'posed to be witnesses..........does that not make us prophets?
God told me one day
In all you do, you minister a word to those around you.
That includes what you wear and how you wear it, what you say and how you say it, what you do and how you do it, and so on and so forth.
Here's a real small example:
If you're down on yourself and you see me and I bless you with a word or two.......ya kno' somethin' like "Have Peace!" Will I not have shown you that there's somebody out there with the love of God in them?
But what about the 50 million people that can see you feelin' blue but pass you by without a word? Have they not shown you that Satan has bestowed selfishness upon the hearts of so many?