I feel the same as the others in this department. Singing is not just a talent, but mainly it is a gift from God Himself. He personally annointed certain people to minister in song. Because some people may not be able to necessarily preach God's word, but through song, they can still minister and teach the gospel. And some people are actually more in tune with ministry in music, and some people are reached by that instead of being reached by the preached word. So I believe that once we singers realize that we are actually ministers of the gospel of Jesus, then we will look at it in a different perspective. Other than just something to do. We're given mission once we have been given a position, and the mission is to preach His word through song. That someone may be saved, or delivered, redeemed, or whatever the need may be. I see it as work, or labor, or whatever you wanna call it. But I feel you, I think that every Christian organization has this problem at some point and time. And just stay in prayer about this, that they may see the light, and the purpose behind their singing. Worshipping, praising, and giving God His glory and honour. God Bless brother