God is faithful to perform that which He has called us to walk in. My brother I rejoice with you that God has ordered, and established your steps. But remember this was the beginning, and as God opens the door for ministry walk on through. No matter where He may call you always be willing to go, and when God can see you will go no matter the size of the congregation, or the offering. (because let's be real some men, and women were once where you are, but oh how soon we forget) Then He will open more doors for you, and you will begin to walk in places you only visioned.
Never forget who works in you, and through you. Always be who you are Redy2beused, because the body of Christ is filled with arrogant, and useless people who lost the vision of their purposes. I know you see who you are, and you will always allow God to remind you of your great need for Him.