This progression encompasses almost every bass note in a key. The point of this progression practice is to pay attention to your fingering and try to be smooth with your chord transitions. If you try to use the same fingering for every chord, u will not do well with this practice. Also, if you do this in every key, you will notice that some keys will start to feel the same because they are using chord progressions from a previous key. Enjoy:
1-#1-2-3-4-#4-5-#5-6-7-1 Progression
C / E-G-C (1)
C# / E-A-C# (#1)
D / F-A-D (2)
E / G-C-E (3)
F / A-C-F (4)
F# / A-D-F# (#4)
G / B-D-G (5)
G# / B-E-G# (#5)
A / C-E-A (6)
B / B-D-G (7)
C / G-C-E (1)
Modulation chord to Db: Ab / Gb-Bb-Db
Key Db
Db / F-Ab-Db (1)
D / F-Bb-D (#1)
Eb / Gb-Bb-Eb (2)
F / Ab-Db-F (3)
Gb / Bb-Db-Gb (4)
G / Bb-Eb-G (#4)
Ab / C-Eb-Ab (5)
A / C-F-A (#5)
Bb / Db-F-Bb (6)
C / C-Eb-Ab (7)
Db / Ab-Db-F (1)
Modulation chord to D: A / G-B-D
I've got the first keys posted for yall. It's up to you to use this and go through the remaining 10 keys. If there are any questions, feel free to ask.