Not at all. I normally print the things you write anyway. Like that long lesson you gave on playing gospel music. You know with the rhythm and all that. Yeah....I printed that and I study it like it is the gospel.
lol thanks for the kudos bro but i noticed you said long lesson. i know i am long winded Lord knows i been like that since i was a baby
i would never shut up on and on; talking and talking; over and over. oops there i go again
since i have your permission to pontificate, this is what i did to open up my ear and it works as long as you continue
i took the style of playing i wanted to sound like (for me it was kirk franklin) and i uploaded all of the songs yahoo had about 80
i put them on a play list and every day after i finished playing my scales and chords and drills, i would play the play list and i would pretend i was on stage with them playing. at first i was a sax player and i would play the melody with them now I knew what key the song is in and the melody
then i would pretend to be the bass player after a couple of days on sax, I would learn the basic bass line not every fill and lick but hey if you can go for it. Then, I would look for the quality of the chord the easiest way to do this is play the melody and the third first spread out as sixth
ie: if the melody is a c, play E C or Eb C. Which one sounds right? Then, add a middle note Ab G A
You now have your chord eventually you can expand the chord to include ninths and all the other intervals
The reason why i said check out hear and play is because you must know diatonic harmony; in other words you need to know about
the one chord and the two chord and the three chord. I have done posts on these in great detail so look them up because I really nailed the particulars.
But, if you follow this method pretty soon you will be able to play most of the songs of your choice artist and you will be able to bring elements of that artist into your playing. If you are having trouble with devotioanal playing check out devotional style artists like Timothy Wright or Hezekiah or if you need more traditional style then check out twinkie clark or albertina walker
If you need to play worship music better I would say check out women thour are loosed 2002 and learn to play those songs and using the above method. BruceLlee always said "practice exactly how you will perform and you will perform better."
If, on Sunday, you need to use your ear to pick up people then in your practice you need to put on music you dont know and play along. Currently, my church almost never requires me to pick up by ear; but I have to sight read. So now, I make daily reading my thing. Eventually, you will be amazed at how you have developed
Did i talk too much? Whose contact lense dried out?