Greetings to you all Psalmists, Minstrels and music people. This Word I've been holding for quite some time and the Lord has put it to me to go ahead and share it with you that you may be blessed too.
We read and hear about the lusts of the eyes and the lusts of the flesh but did you know that the ear gait can have lusts in it too? We're all adults so I'm not going to pull punches with you. There are some people who lust to hear foul words, nasty stories, death stories and yes even sexual noises and words. The Lord revealed this to me (Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28). So by faith, I prayed to the Lord to clean out my ear gait and take away the lusts of the ears. I believed on Him by faith (Hebrews 11:6) and went on about my business.
I'd began to hear things by the Holy Spirit but wasn't aware that God had granted my prayers. I went to community band rehearsal one night and heard the other clarinetists play their horns. I know that I'm a Prophetic Minstrel and God has plans for me but I was able to hear the clarinet and discern it's sound! Hallelujah! I could hear that it had a CONICAL sound to, almost like the oboe. I haven't read that many band or symphony scores but I don't currently know if composer's score the clarinet with the oboe. What I'm getting at is that God opened my ears and cleaned them out. I'd heard many different qualities about the clarinet, being a clarinetist myself, but this time it was a different sound.
Other examples of God's mercy/grace to clean out my ears has been when I was learning to sing. I would listen to a CD and the Holy Spirit quickened my ears to hear to actually pronounced consonants (which stop the sound/air) at the end of your vocal runs so that people can understand what you're saying. It makes NO sense to do all those vocal runs and people can't understand what you're saying or singing about:
Psalms 47:7 For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding.
So let go of the lusts of the ears and always wanting to hear a bad and ungodly report. This too, my friends, IS sin and NEEDS to be repented/confessed of and get under the blood of Jesus Christ and make it right with God in Jesus name.