I do not think majority of the people take the ministry of the gospel through music seriously.
One reason is if many took it as serious as the devil does, we will see people get healed, delivered as the music goes forth.
Another reason is that if we took it seriously, we would not ask/expect for pay to give God "praise". Jesus said, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses". (Matthew 10:7-9)". We would use the musical talents freely to glorify him. When you begin to take pay, you begin to take part of the Glory (thats another topic).
If we took the gospel seriously, so many songs that people are singing in the church would not be sang. For God will give you a song prophetically that applies to that appointed time. And all will be on one accord. We would not incorporate the music of the world into that of gospel music.
If taken seriously, we would not have pride and show, for it will be completely to give God the Glory. We would also prepare ourselves through consecration, fasting and prayer. And not just a 30 second prayer before rehearsal and a program.
IF we took the ministry of gospel through music seriously, we would be completely submissive to the Holy Ghost, instead of trying to get people to move their body and try to stir up emotions. The music will be our life, Our worship will be our life, and not words put to sound.