The guy with the due-rag does have some crazy skillz, but of course at times I think he was showing off a bit too much
So many times in my life I've seen guys like him (over doing it to be seen, not the music). Some of his facial expressions where atrocious. Especially the one where he was licking out his tongue
Being a female MD, you'll be suprised of some of the things I've seen guys do while playing to gain attention. Not to take away from the ones who are really in to what they are doing. i can pretty much tell when a person is really feeling it or if they are just showing off. And that guy was definately showing off. For a second, I think he forgot he was in church
I can't take away the fact that the brotha can play, I just think he was giving up a lil bit too much. I'm pretty sure some people forgot about what Kim Burrell was singing @ times because the where so busy looking @ him