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Author Topic: Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP  (Read 2149 times)

Offline cfullw

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Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP
« on: December 14, 2005, 11:21:00 AM »
I love writing gospel songs - I wrote my first song at age 10 when my mom died: I Wish My Momma Was Here - second at age 14 when my dad died (he was a pastor), but that song was deicated to both of them: Parents Makes A Difference - Then I write one for two of my brothers that passed away & plus a lot of gopel songs - my son passed 7yrs. ago at 7mnths. old, but I havn't yet wrote one for him - it hurts to bad when try too - I've been learning to play the piano ( a beginner ( a little passed: level 2)) - I want to be a gospel singer, but when I was little at daddy church when mommy wanted me to sing I would cry & daddy would say leave my baby girl be - so - I didn't have to do it - my big sister did & my brothers did  :lol:  I walk around here singing very good - everybody that here me say I have a wonderful voice & I need to do something with it - I want to learn the piano & put music to my songs that I write & sing them myself - but - when I sing with music I stop - I'm afraid I'm not singing with the music right or I'm not going to sing the right word with the right note - It's like I dont hear the right word with the right note : What do I do??? I sing good without music, but I want to be able to sing with music!!! HELP - I use to play the sax in the marching band & I was first chair - my husband is a great singer with music & my kids are & my kids play the violin & are great at it - what is wrong with me - I'm so eager to sing with music, but cant - & everybody loves my voice & ask me to sing, but I won't because of music. :cry:  God has given me a voice that I dont know how to use with music & it hurts!!!   :cry:


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Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 11:44:24 AM »
First of all, God is looking at your singing that comes from the heart. God is not that concerned if it's all on tune or not. I first want to say that it seems like you've had a very hard life dealing with deaths and everything. That could be a hindrance in you singing.

I want to encourage to sing no matter if it is on not, tune or not. God is looking at the heart and not the tune.

That's the problem with so many churches. Singing is judged based on being on tune. That might be a reason why I don't sing in public. But I encourage you to sing for the Lord and don't worry about key. God will put you in the right key.

Offline cfullw

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Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2005, 01:02:18 PM »
Quote from: churchyreal
First of all, God is looking at your singing that comes from the heart. God is not that concerned if it's all on tune or not. I first want to say that it seems like you've had a very hard life dealing with deaths and everything. That could be a hindrance in you singing.

I want to encourage to sing no matter if it is on not, tune or not. God is looking at the heart and not the tune.

That's the problem with so many churches. Singing is judged based on being on tune. That might be a reason why I don't sing in public. But I encourage you to sing for the Lord and don't worry about key. God will put you in the right key.

I dont have a problem coping with death; I see death as joy & birth as pain - death is not something bad because we all must pass that way - now when I write songs - yes, I dedicate songs to people - no big deal- I love writing songs of dedication & song pretaining to what Christ has done for me: which is gospel ( far as my son passing - he our little angel & we are fine: I have a site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CPS4E4CHRIST you can click on links & the In Memory Of folder to view our son webpage: Lit'Man) - far as singing, I'm not worried about people: Because only what you do for Christ will last - I'm trying to learn how to sing with the music - I'm great without it - but it's time to sing with it - my spirit longs to be able to sing with the music - bucause I do love to sing  :D!


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Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2005, 01:35:16 PM »
I apologize if I misunderstood what you were saying. You are right what you do for Christ will last and that's why you should not worry about what people say.

Offline cfullw

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Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 01:50:56 PM »
Quote from: churchyreal
I apologize if I misunderstood what you were saying. You are right what you do for Christ will last and that's why you should not worry about what people say.

Don't worry about it: We teach our kids the same thing - you know peer pressure is something else now days (with the kids) - I'm still trying to figure out how do I get better at singing with music - I try to imagine the music not playing - I don't know - my girls try to write songs now - they are very musically inclined. You be blessed.

Offline stlunatic

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Re: Love writing gospel songs, but want to sing: HELP
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2006, 02:49:27 PM »
Continue to pray and be encouraged... Don't let the devil steal the things (Songs), that God has given you to bless his people with. I write gosple music as well, and there is a particular song that I wrote during a low time in my life. See i was brought up in church and was a musician in the church, but church wasn't in me. i had stryed from God and the things that i new to be right in my life, and as of a result I suffered adversity, death, lonliness, and depression. I felt that there was no answer and no way out of my situation. But God spoke to my spirit one afternoon as I sat in my dorm room. I felt the presence of God and i felt the spirit of God touch me, and he spoke to my spirit... He told me "to never doubt his love for me or his power." I was in a position where I had to totally depend on God, and get for-real about God. The song that he had me write is my personal testimony... I can't wait to get back home to the U.S.A and record it again. But God is a God of strangth and not fear. Don't let the words that God has given you not be used to encourage someone going through what you've been through or going through. Because that may be the only way we receive our healing and blessings. These words that you have might be just what God wants to heal the land. (FYI) I currently serve in the United States Army, I am 22 years old and God has brought me a mighty long way. I still have some growing and maturing to do in Christ, but it is no coencidence that I ran acrosse your message. I produce music as well and I would like to hear your music when I return to the states... My brother has an independent production/record lable called "KEYz 2 LIFE," in Chicago. We have worked with alot of artists both gosple and secular, but our focus is gosple music. We are both musicians, not just beat makers, so you'd be getting professional advice. My brother is the MD at our home church in chicago called "New Joy Divine Full Gosple Church," so the spirit of God is definately in the mix. But, hopefully we can exchange information once I get back state-side, so that I can hear some of your music and you mine.

Be Encouraged,

Just Another Bro. In Christ   
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