My church has a 1st Sunday choir (family choir), a choir that sings on 2nd and 3rd Sundays (mixed choir) an all male choir (4th sunday) and a youth choir that sings on 5th Sundays. Does anybody have several choirs like this and are actually having an effective ministry? 1st Sunday and 4th Sunday choirs don't like to have rehearsals....Would love to remove one of those choirs and let the youth sing every month....Thoughts???
Every church is different, but it can be effective, if done correctly. If not, the presence of so many choirs stretch people thin, particularly musicians that may have to play for every choir.
If the youth choir is faithful, maybe they can sing on 2nd Sundays and the mixed choir will only do 3rd Sundays. That way, all choirs get equal time every month, and commitment to rehearsals and the ministry will have to be expressed to the other choirs. The choirs can then alternate 5th Sundays when they appear, or if you have a praise team, the praise team can be responsible for all music on 5th Sundays. (Praise Dance is another option)
Those are my thoughts for now