Now this is the thread I was looking for. This thread connects or runs parallel to with the discussions we been having in the thread called: "Can we speak things into existence?"
In that thread we were talking about the power of thoughts and confession. Now what I want to say is as it relates to this thread, which I think is important, and that is to not have a idle mind (keeping your mind neutral) In other words, you let your mind take you wherever it wants to take you. Having that type of mindset can allow the devil to sow seeds in your mind that can cause you to do and say things that are not pleasing in the sight of God. And like Hasmonean1 said that having an idle mind (or empty mind) sounds a lot like a person with an empty spirit.
Now what I was saying earlier in the "Can we speak things into existence?" thread is that many people (and some Christians) do not believe in positive thinking or positive confession. And, as a matter of fact, Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Even the Bible tells us we should be constantly be thinking of good things, and always having good things stayed on our mind. Which is why in my thread called: "Can we speak things into existence?" and what I got from that thread is that I should be constantly be thinking on good things. The reason why it is important to be always thinking and having your mind stayed on good things (or on God for that matter) is that this way the devil can't come in and occupy your mind, unless your mind is idle and there is nothing on your mind at the very moment or else the devil will come and put a evil thought on your mind and cause you to think on his thoughts. (And you don't want that happening, do you?) So develop having a positive mindset. No matter how hard it may seem. You might have a excuse, such as I don't know what to think. Here's some thoughts you can think on, such as...
1."I'm beautiful!" < Meditate on this particular thought for the whole day, whether your driving, on the computer, watching television, cooking, doing chores, etc...
2."I'm creative!"
3."I love my kids!"
4."I want to go back and finish school!"
5."I love my wife!"
6."I love my husband!"
There so much good things to meditate on.... (So get started today!)
As a matter of fact, I know a fellow Christian brother of mine who dealt with those problems (keeping his mind idle.) He would always allow his mind to become neutral (or idle or on nothing good on his mind - basically not doing what the Word says do!) and what he noticed is that the devil would come and put evil thoughts on his mind. And as a result, what happened to him, he was placed into a hospital because of anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts (no kidding! - all jokes aside here!). So I'm here to let you know that I believe in positive thinking! You see when you have good things on your mind you don't create no room for the devil to come and occupy your mind with anything; and whether it be foolishness, evil, lustful, or degrading, he can't put none of his thoughts on your mind.(Why?) Because your mind is currently stayed on something (hopefully something good!)
Now having said all that, now do you believe in positive thinking?