thanks all you guys for the feedback. i feel a bit better about my playing.
it may help you out. i've learned that the differing musical perspective and role needed for each instrument, a secondary instrument may help you learn and explore new concepts that you'll most likely start to apply to your primary instrument.
Mhhh, indeed an interesting interpretation- not what I expected, but I could sing along.
I know you've mentioned your background [funk?]. Who's your influence or is it a personal style you've kinda developed?
dont really have a direct influence per se since i dont really listen to any keys players since i dont have the ear to hear what they're playing (for most songs i have to learn on bass first then go from there), but i have taken some tips from Jamal Hartwell (have one of his DVDs and watch the youtube videos). The most direct influence would be my first bass teacher, who is a pro keyboardist/organist. One thing he showed me is that if the singers are singing the melody, why should the keys be playing it as well. This frees you up to play additional things. This is why i'm not pressed to put the melody note on the top.
not what I expected, but I could sing along.
sums up my style for the most part
I would like to see more of your videos/ audios / renditions of other songs. i wouldn't mind playing like that sometimes. I think I can already see your personality from your song choice and style and I can almost read your mind...[am I right though in saying your rendition of this song reflects strongly your personality?]
my playing style is a reflection of my personality. the part that says foundation first, then flexibility. So im inclined to lay down a solid structure (hence the heavy use of block chords and few chord progressions), and the simplicity allows space for creativity and variability. its also a reflection of my limitations. Im uncomfortable of moving my hands away from the chord too much, so my right hand mostly does arpeggios or emphasizes a melody INSIDE the chord, not in one of the higher registers. Also, i tend to play chords in only one or two inversions, so when these same chords are played in other keys (or against other melodies) i still play them the same way, so they take a different character. This may be something that'll change as i improve.
also im low key, so the over the top stuff doesnt suit me well. its i work so that ur good when im there, and can tell when im not, but i also get shine from time to time. So a nice groove to get you into that zone for the song is all it takes for me.