Hi everyone! OK, I'm the Director of Music at a small, black baptist church. Traditionally, the "Opening Hymn" for the service always came out of the hymn book (yes, the same red hymn book you probably had at your church!). Here's the issue: While I personally love hymns, our congregation is growing, and we are seeing a lot of younger people in our congregation.
These people have approached me and asked if we can do some opening songs besides hymns, because they either A. Don't know the hymns or B. feel the hymns don't allow the Spirit to really flow, that they are just about routine and not worship. I think they have a point, and want to branch out to some new(er) songs, especially for opening hymn because I feel its important to connect with the congregation right from the start of service. Also, I find myself playing a rotation of the same 7-10 hymnbook opening songs for opening during the year (Down at the Cross, What A Fellowship, Pass Me Not, etc. etc. etc.)...ugh.
Any suggestions on how to segue into new(er) territory, especially concerning opening selection, without offending the elders? Thanks!