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Author Topic: Difference between Praise & Worship  (Read 3403 times)

Offline Purplekeys

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Difference between Praise & Worship
« on: May 11, 2011, 09:20:10 AM »
Ok LGM Family help me out here. If i was to teach the choir the difference between praise and worship, how would i separate the two. Sometimes they are used simultaneously but clearly there is a difference. Psalms 150: 6 says let everything that hath breath praise the Lord so everyone can praise him animals as well lol but seriously In John 4:24 it says the father seeketh such to worship in spirit and it truth. Now my interpretation is that for us to be able to worship we must first have the Spirit of Christ etc. Could you please share your thoughts on the difference between Praise & Worship.

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Difference between Praise & Worship
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 11:51:11 AM »
I don't see the two as being completely mutually exclusive, although they are distinct in definition.
Meaning, one of the many ways we worship God is through praise.
Worship is what God deserves and desires from us. Praise is one of the ways that we physically express worship.
Like it says in the link that Sjonathan posted, our very life should be an act of worship. Praise is a part of that life.

Oh, and beware of those who will tell you that praise is the fast songs and worship is the slow songs...  ;D
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Offline NoelII

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Re: Difference between Praise & Worship
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2011, 02:53:54 PM »
What make a song praise or worship is the lyrical content. Dictionarily speaking: One is an expression of admiration or approval. The other is an expression of reverence, adoration, and devotion. One (praise) does not require relationship or intimacy, worship does. If I meet a couple on the street I can easily see and observe that the wife is pretty, or dresses well and I can praise (express admiration or approval about) her for that. The husband, however, knows more about her, her personality, her heart and can therefore express more because of this more intimate knowledge. Thus the saying "Everyone can praise but not everyone can worship".
Psalm 33:3 "Sing unto Him a new song, play skillfully with a loud noise."

Offline ilovetosingforgod

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Re: Difference between Praise & Worship
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 07:25:26 AM »
Very good Analogy...

What make a song praise or worship is the lyrical content. Dictionarily speaking: One is an expression of admiration or approval. The other is an expression of reverence, adoration, and devotion. One (praise) does not require relationship or intimacy, worship does. If I meet a couple on the street I can easily see and observe that the wife is pretty, or dresses well and I can praise (express admiration or approval about) her for that. The husband, however, knows more about her, her personality, her heart and can therefore express more because of this more intimate knowledge. Thus the saying "Everyone can praise but not everyone can worship".
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Re: Difference between Praise & Worship
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2011, 06:07:55 PM »
Sorry if I'm late just wanted to clear things up or try to.

Praise & Worship are very close, but the name hints a lot. See how praise comes before worship; praise is basically giving thanks and admiring what God DID, but if Praise & Worship is lead correctly, you should later come out a realm of praise an begin to worship him. Worship is giving reverence and adoration for not what he has done but simply because he is GOD all by himself, you need a reason to praise, you don't need a reason to worship he has already earned it just for being God. The bible says hallelujah is the highest praise, that's basically the capacity of praise, but your praise should be turned in to worship, the praise team isn't there just for the sake of singing, it's to elevate the service in to a mode of worship because God enjoys praise, but he LOVES worship.
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