but what is it about this chord that attracts you to it? I want to understand the fully dim's place in my music routine & vocab.
I love the fully diminished chord for so many reasons:
1. The darkness of the sound
2. The only chord where each note is the same length apart
3. Great passing chord
4. Easy to arrpegiate
5. There are only 3 unique fully diminished chords, everything else is an inversion
There are 2 great thing about the fully diminished chord in music. The first thing is it has no key. Since every note is the same length apart, it's impossible to truly designate a key to it. Therefore, it is theoretically a part of every key. You can give it a temporary home and name it using the notes of the key u want it to be in.
The second thing is every note can be the root. Most likely, that root will be played in the bass. Resolution is pretty simple cuz most fully diminished chords resolve up 1/2 step. So, if you need a passing chord to get from one chord to another chord 1 whole step away, try the fully diminished chord. Examples:
C / E-G-C (1)
C# / E-GA#-C# (#1) or Db / E-G-Bb-Db (b2) *fully dim. passing chord
D / F-A-D (2)
D# / F#-A-C-D# (#2) or Eb / Gb-A-C-Eb (b3) *fully dim. passing chord
E / G-C-E (3)
F / A-C-F (4)
F# / A-C-D#-F# (#4) or Gb / A-C-Eb-Gb *fully dim. passing chord
G / B-D-G
G# / B-D-F-G# (#5) or Ab / B-D-F-Ab *fully dim. passing chord
A / C-E-A (6)
B / D-B-G (7)
C / E-G-C (1)
Neat huh?