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Author Topic: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!  (Read 8116 times)

Offline B3Wannabe

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #100 on: March 24, 2008, 05:44:54 PM »
*Goes to find the definition of prophet, prophecy, prophetic.   :-\*

According to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:


Main Entry:
    proph?et Listen to the pronunciation of prophet
    Middle English prophete, from Anglo-French, from Latin propheta, from Greek prophētēs, from pro for + phanai to speak ? more at for, ban
    12th century

1: one who utters divinely inspired revelations: as aoften capitalized : the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Bible bcapitalized : one regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will <Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah>

2: one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; especially : an inspired poet

3: one who foretells future events : predictor

4: an effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group

5 Christian Science a: a spiritual seer b: disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth

It'll take me some time, if I'm so inclined to find the Biblical definition of the word(s)

And there you have it!

;) ;) ;)

So who is going to admit that FS was right?

Offline T-Block

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #101 on: March 24, 2008, 06:04:52 PM »
Don't back peddle T...

How did I back peddle?  I never said he was rich, I just said he wasn't poor.  And yes, I do believe he used those gifts he had as a baby to help finance his ministry.

Now, the bible does say he became poor so that we could be rich, or something like that.  So, that means that at one time he was not poor, that is the time I am talking about.  He was not poor his whole life.  Does that make more sense?
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Offline B3Wannabe

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #102 on: March 24, 2008, 06:27:56 PM »
How did I back peddle?  I never said he was rich, I just said he wasn't poor.  And yes, I do believe he used those gifts he had as a baby to help finance his ministry.

Now, the bible does say he became poor so that we could be rich, or something like that.  So, that means that at one time he was not poor, that is the time I am talking about.  He was not poor his whole life.  Does that make more sense?

Doesn't it also say he became "sin" too? (2 COR 5:21)

Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #103 on: March 24, 2008, 06:34:11 PM »
How did I back peddle?  I never said he was rich, I just said he wasn't poor.  And yes, I do believe he used those gifts he had as a baby to help finance his ministry.

Now, the bible does say he became poor so that we could be rich, or something like that.  So, that means that at one time he was not poor, that is the time I am talking about.  He was not poor his whole life.  Does that make more sense?

Speaking of which, you never did provide a scriptural basis for that belief of yours...

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Offline jdholliday

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #104 on: March 24, 2008, 06:46:49 PM »
Yeah, I get that... but, who are we to question Merriam-Webster?  Aren't they, like, the authority in etymology and definitions?  :-\  I mean, if they say that that's what the word means (or that that's one of the definitions of the word), isn't it just so?

I'll admit it's a bit weird for me to think of an average joe as a "prophet" just because he's a spokesperson for a cause... I mean, that makes zillions of people prophets.  Heck, that makes ME a prophet! LOL!  :D :D :D  Sen. John Edwards is a prophet.  P. Diddy is a prophet.  Bono is a prophet.  This just gets kinda weird...

I dunno.  Maybe that was just Webster's way of secularizing the word for public use?  :-\

Either way, it's kinda interesting to me.
just because a person is a prophet they can still be ungodly. According to the 4th definition.

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #105 on: March 24, 2008, 06:49:38 PM »
Pastor JD,

The most suprising thing to me is that we reduce the prophetic to being able to see future events. The prophetic ministry is much more than that. The prophetic ministry is also a platform for speaking out against injustice. That's even in the face of adversities not limited to government, religious affiliations and cultural beliefs. There are passages in scripture that began with son of man prophesy against. So that what makes the man a prophet in regards to the tradition of boldly speaking for the cause of God. So my book is validated.....
I was looking more so at definition 1 & 2 from Sjons list moreso than the speaking of the future.

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #106 on: March 24, 2008, 07:56:08 PM »
Yeah, I get that... but, who are we to question Merriam-Webster?  Aren't they, like, the authority in etymology and definitions?  :-\  I mean, if they say that that's what the word means (or that that's one of the definitions of the word), isn't it just so?

I'll admit it's a bit weird for me to think of an average joe as a "prophet" just because he's a spokesperson for a cause... I mean, that makes zillions of people prophets.  Heck, that makes ME a prophet! LOL!  :D :D :D  Sen. John Edwards is a prophet.  P. Diddy is a prophet.  Bono is a prophet.  This just gets kinda weird...

I dunno.  Maybe that was just Webster's way of secularizing the word for public use?  :-\

Either way, it's kinda interesting to me.

You're making my point for me.  ;) :D
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Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #107 on: March 24, 2008, 08:14:26 PM »
You're making my point for me.  ;) :D

Nah, not really.

Even that point doesn't negate the fact that Webster's definition substantiated FS's assertion that Dr. Wright is a prophet.  Sure, it may be weird to think of Snoop Dogg and Angelina Jolie as prophets, but according to Webster, they are.  :-\

Weird or not, it is what it is.

But, I still wouldn't hesitate to leave that definition out for spiritual or religious purposes.  Even though it's been proven to be an accurate definition, it just doesn't work for me. :-\
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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #108 on: March 24, 2008, 08:44:53 PM »
Nah, not really.

Even that point doesn't negate the fact that Webster's definition substantiated FS's assertion that Dr. Wright is a prophet.  Sure, it may be weird to think of Snoop Dogg and Angelina Jolie as prophets, but according to Webster, they are.  :-\

Weird or not, it is what it is.

But, I still wouldn't hesitate to leave that definition out for spiritual or religious purposes.  Even though it's been proven to be an accurate definition, it just doesn't work for me. :-\

No, really.  :D

Because, I don't live according to Webster.  8)

And, neither would I.
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Offline T-Block

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #109 on: March 25, 2008, 06:51:19 AM »
Speaking of which, you never did provide a scriptural basis for that belief of yours...

Maybe I should have expressed ealier that it is a personal belief, LOL.
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Offline LaylaMonroe

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #110 on: March 25, 2008, 12:46:47 PM »
Maybe I should have expressed ealier that it is a personal belief, LOL.

Okay, fair enough... now, is that personal belief based on anything?  How did you come to hold such a belief?
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Offline T-Block

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Re: So what?!?!?!?! (Rev. Wright) I'm mad now!!!!!
« Reply #111 on: March 25, 2008, 12:52:07 PM »
Okay, fair enough... now, is that personal belief based on anything?  How did you come to hold such a belief?

Just based on that fact that it was mentioned.  I wonder where it went and it makes sense to me that i was probably used for his ministry, or at least part of his ministry.  I understand if no one else shares my views, I'm usually the odd duck.
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