1. The drum set that you can tell either the Deacon or Trustee bought for the church because it matches the carpet?
2. The drum set with the bass drum backwards and you're beating on the name?
3. The set with the two big 12" and 13" toms turned almost facing you?
4. The set with the broken snare stand so you have to use the church snare that sound like a tom? lol
5. The floor tom that has a hand towel taped to it with an open hymn book on it? lol
6. The worst set in the world with that one good A custom crash?
7. The set with that rusty metal fold up chair, that you keep slidin' back in?
8. The set that's blocking some of the aisle so people keep bumping the cymbal stand during offering?
9. The horrible set that has many cymbals stands but all without the accessories so you can't use your cymbals?
10. The set that is waaaaaaaaaaay on the other side of the church away from everybody and everything? Next to the plant. lol
Be Blessed Yall