God Bless you. I'm going to try explain the theory as best I can. If you still have questions after this there are sections on this website that deal with theory and lessons. You can try there.
Okay here we go.
First things first.....Learn your scales in every key. Very very important. Basically all chords are based on scales. The notes in the scales are based on numbers or degrees. Let's take the C Major scale for example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
As you can see these notes have numbers underneath them. Those are the degrees of that scale. Chords use different numbers within a scale. Let's look at a C Major chord for example:
C major = C E G = 1 3 5
You used C E G for the chord, meaning that you used the 1 3 and 5 note of the C major scale.
C minor = C Eb G = 1 3b 5
In the C minor chord you used the 1, flatted the 3, and the 5 of the C major scale.
Using this theory for these two chords, I can now play these two chords in any key. For an Ab Major chord I would just play the 1 3 5 of the Ab major scale. For an Ab Minor chord, 1 3b 5 of the Ab Major Scale.
I hope this gets you started for now. There are other people on this board who know much more than I and I am sure they will be of even greater assistance to you. Also check under the Gospel Lesson link on the website. It's very helpful.