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Author Topic: Excellence!!!  (Read 1676 times)

Offline nessalynn77

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« on: July 27, 2006, 01:13:23 PM »
I've had an opportunity this week to sing in a workshop choir with Stevie Lawrence from the Potter's House in Dallas.  It's been a while since I've been in a workshop choir, and an even longer while since I've been in one with someone of his caliber.  Let me tell you, he worked us to death!

But one thing I've learned this week (still learning, concert is on Sat), Stevie has a dedication to perfection and doing things right.  I observe him and he is so passionate to the point of getting upset if our passion does not meet or exceed his.  I appreciate this about him, he can be hard on you, but it's like you can't help but respect the dedication.

I think in our choir rehearsals (I don't know if this goes for anyone else's church).  We're so quick to say, "that sounds good enough" and move on, because people want to go home or whatever, but there's something to be said for taking the time to know the parts, for musicians to put in the time to know their part in the song inside and out, and for everybody to work at it until it sounds right together.  I have been awed by the experience, and the close-up look at how people think and operate at that level.  I was thinking, I need to demand this much dedication from myself even at my level, so that excellence becomes a habit, and nothing less is satisfactory.

Anyway, just thought I'd share...

Offline MikaSue

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Re: Excellence!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 01:37:44 PM »
We're so quick to say, "that sounds good enough" and move on, because people want to go home or whatever, but there's something to be said for taking the time to know the parts, for musicians to put in the time to know their part in the song inside and out, and for everybody to work at it until it sounds right together.

I am soooo glad someone voiced this!  My choir doesn't understand the time and dedication I take to learn the songs.  They think after I have practiced hours on a song they will just come in and sing it any type of way.  UNACCEPTABLE!

I appreciate people who strive for excellence all the way around.
Praise God!

Offline ReddGirl

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Re: Excellence!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 09:44:00 PM »
Wow! Sounds so refreshing!

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Excellence!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 02:43:57 PM »
Here is an article that backs up the excellence is a MUST!

- WorshipIdea: Preparation Makes Perfect
_______________________________________ _____________________

This week's WorshipIdea original appeared in the 08.12.03
issue. Read the entire archive of past issues at the paid
website WorshipMax.com:


As I've said before, it seems everyone and their brother is starting a contemporary worship service. Unfortunately, I've heard that many of these new services are failing. Often the reason is poor planning and execution. Here are two key points to consider if you're involved with praise and worship:

1. Plan ahead. I can't believe it when I hear of churches that meet thirty minutes before the service and throw together a song set.

A well known worship leader states that he never plans his worship song set. Rather, he has a list of all the songs his congregation knows, and he keeps this list on his music stand during worship to jog his memory. Then he lets the Spirit move.

While there's nothing wrong with this free-flowing method, I'm sure a worship leader of his stature can attract the finest musicians in town. Frankly, you'd need top musicians to pull off a service like this - musicians who know the songs by heart or can sight-read a chart perfectly. Pretty unrealistic for you and me, unless you want to lead worship all by yourself - strumming your guitar or accompanying yourself on the keyboard.

Remember, the more you plan, the more people can be involved. Flying by the seat of your pants (or skirt) can often result in a musical train wreck. Multiple train wrecks
tend to make people in the congregation think you don't know what you're doing. If the service isn't worth planning,
maybe it isn't worth attending.

Planning ahead gives you time to work out your praise set like a puzzle, fitting songs together in a perfect flow. It also makes your rehearsals more efficient, which leads me to my next point:

2. Rehearse. I'm also surprised at the number of churches that don't have a rehearsal! Rehearsals give you time to prepare both musically and spiritually for the coming

If you're doing the praise team thing with 3-6 vocalists, I recommend having a separate vocal and band rehearsal. Each group has their own problems, and I'd rather concentrate on one group at a time. Then, put the whole thing together during your pre-service run-through. If you have just a worship leader and a background vocalist or two, let them rehearse with the band.

Your musicians might balk at rehearsing. Rehearsals are a must if you want to succeed with a quality worship service, so don't back down. However, people need to know your reasoning if you expect them to give you their valuable time.

Try making a deal with your musicians. First tell them your strategy: that you believe rehearsing will only improve the music and bring about a better worship experience for the congregation. Careless goof-ups distract people from connecting with God, whereas smooth transitions help usher them into His presence. Ask them if they'll try rehearsing for a month. When they see the positive results - better blend and a tighter band - they'll be more apt to become committed team members.

Bottom Line: Pray and prepare for best contemporary worship results.
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Offline vtguy84

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Re: Excellence!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2006, 05:06:24 PM »
Man, that's awesome Nessa......you are definitely in good company :)
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Offline nessalynn77

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Re: Excellence!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2006, 05:17:45 PM »
It's been a great experience.  I was even more impressed by the fact that Reno is a much smaller market as far as gospel music goes, and he was still up there giving 1000 percent.  I was truly impressed!
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