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Gospel Music Lounge / Re: Where are they now?
« Last post by jlewis on May 10, 2020, 10:47:59 PM »
I am still around.   I guess I am old school because I am not on twitter/snapchat/facebook/instagram  etc.   I still play but a job change in the last year has moved me to Dallas Texas.   Prior to that I was  was still playing for my church and also had a community praise team that we ( me and a few of my musician friends) were building up.  Well I moved to Dallas ( I live in Desoto but work in uptown Dallas) in november of 2019  and the pandemic hit in march. So I have not yet found a church home  in texas but am  waiting for the corona virus  quarantines to be over ( and  for me to feel comfortable going out) before my family starts  its new search for a church home.

The wife and I are empty nesters now ( one kid working in Austin, the other still in college in Oregon).  but I still check in here from time to time just to see whats going on.  Seems like a few months back the site was completely down, Nice to see its back up and running again. I know technology moves forward but there is still a purpose and a place for LGM

Gospel Music Lounge / Re: What's Going On Good People!
« Last post by jlewis on May 10, 2020, 10:27:09 PM »
I'm still kick-in....  Living in Dallas Texas now, well Desoto specifically.  Been here about 9 months, but didn't get a chance to secure a church home  before the pandemic hot.  I am looking for suggestions.  Anyplace where the word is preached  and the music  is  flowing  is welcome.

Bass Guitar / Re: Music reading for bass players
« Last post by arthur59 on May 09, 2020, 12:49:10 PM »
I guess I’ll kill this thread right here! I thought maybe I could help bring some life back into this bass room but...😵. I’ll check back in a year or two...
Bass Guitar / Re: Music reading for bass players
« Last post by arthur59 on May 09, 2020, 06:02:51 AM »
Any questions so far?
Gospel Music Lounge / Re: What's Going On Good People!
« Last post by chevonee on May 08, 2020, 05:09:52 PM »
At least I'm not the only one late to the party.... Wassup everyone?!?!?! ;D
Bass Guitar / Re: Music reading for bass players
« Last post by arthur59 on May 08, 2020, 08:15:40 AM »
Note values
Bass Guitar / Re: Music reading for bass players
« Last post by arthur59 on May 08, 2020, 08:11:25 AM »
Let’s get started with the basics:
Bass Guitar / Music reading for bass players
« Last post by arthur59 on May 08, 2020, 07:48:56 AM »
Good morning hope everyone is doing well,
Now would be a good time to buckle down and learn how to read music. I am in my 50s and I’ve been attempting to learn how to read for years. Every time I would get into a good learning groove I get thrown off track by The musicians that were around me. Everyone  played by ear and every song we learned was transcribed by ear. I can read music but I’m not at the level were I’m comfortable. I decided I would take the rest of the year and buckle down and focus more on learning how to read music and chord charts. I started this journey last month and it’s going well.

I thought maybe some of you guys maybe going through this  same struggle and maybe we can go on this journey together. Let me know who all would like to participate on this music reading journey! “ Each one teach one“ in Jesus name!
Bass Guitar / Re: Roll call
« Last post by arthur59 on May 06, 2020, 12:54:29 PM »
Hey Mysteryman,

glad to hear from you. I was thinking about starting a thread on Music reading for bass clef.
As we know most gospel bass players play by ear. If we learn how to read music many more doors could open up for us bass players.
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