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Piano/Organ Chords / Re: Here Are The Chords To Christmas And Thanksgiving Songs
« Last post by ferrente on November 11, 2021, 11:08:40 AM »
It's Time Again! 2021
Gospel Music Lounge / Re: Where are they now?
« Last post by ferrente on October 27, 2021, 12:50:44 PM »
I am very late with my Reply. I am still here.
Good Song
T hank you for it all. Marvin Sapp
Looking back I wish I had stuck to those for independence. I see how important exercises are. Looking at the way Quennel Gaskins android Rodney East play they appear to have done those type exercises.
Heavenly Choir
By: The Canton Spirituals
Arr. By: Val215

Key C
L H / R H

C / G-C-E
A, G / G-C-E, G-B-E
F / A-C-F
C, Db /
D / A-D-F
G / B-D-G
(Repeat for entire song)
I recently got into keyboard and I found this old book by Charles-Louis Hanon called "Virtuoso Pianist" and it has o bunch of exercises that are supposed to improve your dexterity and accuracy on the keys, but it's not really musical. I read that people have criticized the method of practicing things like that because they aren't teaching musicality, but I'm curious what modern gospel pianists think.
Piano/Organ Chords / Re: Koryn hawthrone song unstoppable
« Last post by karlmhoon on February 03, 2021, 06:12:59 PM »
No one has these chords?
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