online gaming is cool when you can find ADULTS to play with... I hate getting wamped by immature 12 and under kids... LOL
I may actually pick up Madden 07... and possibly MLB 07 for some online fun
mane yall no that game gon be bout 50$ wen it comes out!! ill wait...
Madden 07 is coming out this week....anyone going to get it?
I know I will...for the PC that is :)
I downloaded it onto my PS2 hard drive...... IM the first on LGM to get it! :P :P :P
Thats not fair!!!! I didnt know you could do that. Its ok I will plug the PS2 to my DSL. Then I will see you guys online.....
All I can say is Dont Make me come out of Retirement. I used to buy all my games on PC. Much better platform and more features. plus websites for improvements a lot of people dont know off.
Brother Mark Wilson
PS.. I used to play these games for a living.. thats no joke.
So not sure if any females have replied in this thread. So let me represent. Y'all game all you want to, but imma tell y'all now. If your significant other has to talk to you or you call her when it isn't your turn on the system, you better at least talk. I mean how you gonna call somebody, say you playing Madden and taking a break now, but don't talk. Y'all men...oooh. Sorry, that was a sore spot for me yesterday, my bad. Hope y'all have fun. You won't see me playing it :)
Ya'll women need to have better timing. You SEE us playing the game. Hold your question(s) until we're done. And, please don't try to start a serious conversation when the boys are over.
Ya'll women need to have better timing. You SEE us playing the game. Hold your question(s) until we're done. And, please don't try to start a serious conversation when the boys are over.
So you qualify your bf as "ALL" men.... that's just wrong.
I would not have called or if I did, I would have said what I had to say and say... get this...
"that's all I called for, talk to ya later" ;D
That was his BAD entirely
A and MEN!! ;)
What I was saying was, my boyfriend CALLED me! If you not gonna pay attention and talk, why even called. A text message would have been enough.
Both of 'em huh???
Praise Him!!
Not giving the devil any glory, when I was in the world I used to play these games for money. Nothing I am proud of. I used to play these games all day and night and made a nice amount of money doing it. Forgive me Lord, I was ignorant to the Word back then. Only thing I know of now is that John Madden has a challenge given in different cities and you work your way to the championship. Its shown on ESPN I believe the winner gets 100,000 so that could be nice for the year if you good enough to pull it off every year. LOL