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Chord Request => Piano/Organ Chords => Topic started by: childofgod4u on April 03, 2006, 12:02:02 PM

Title: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: childofgod4u on April 03, 2006, 12:02:02 PM
Does any body know who sings your in the right place at the right tome to recieve a blessing form the Lord, and also know how I can get the chords to it. thanks and God Bless
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: T-Block on April 03, 2006, 09:40:59 PM
Does any body know who sings your in the right place at the right tome to recieve a blessing form the Lord

Rudolph McKissick Jr.
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: childofgod4u on April 04, 2006, 01:32:52 PM
thanks do you know where i can get the chords to it
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: T-Block on April 04, 2006, 02:18:38 PM
You can look at www.ntimemusic.com or somebody here who knows the song can provide chords if they choose to do so.  I have the CD with this song, but I haven't learned how to play it yet.  If I do, I'll be happy to post them.

The CD is called:  Right Place by Pastor Rudolph McKissick Jr. and the Word & Worship Mass Choir.
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: shamar4296 on April 06, 2006, 09:20:11 PM
Here's the lyrics, and I'm currently chording the song out now for my choir to learn next month, when im done i'll send u a copy. peace out.

You’re in the right - place at the right time
to receive a bless’n from the Lord
You’re in the right place at the right time
where Jesus lifts heavens gates
Oh-oh-oh your’re in the right place,
You’re in the right place
to receive a bless’n from the Lord
Yes, you’re in the right place,
you’re in the right place
to receive a bless’n from the Lord
oh-ooh-oh you’re in the right place, you’re in the right place
to receive a bless’n from Lord
Yes, you’re in the right place, you’re in the right place
receive a bless’n, receive your breakthrough
The time is now, the choice is yo-urs
Receive a bless’n, receive your breakthrough
the Time is now, the choice is yo-urs
receive a bless’n from the Lord.

(oh-oh-oh You’re in the right place, yeah---, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don’t let nothing stop you from receiving what he has for you
Ain’t nothing (2) Don’t let, nobody, don’t let your brother, don’t let your sister, no, no, no. Where you been?
receive your blessing, your breakthrough,
Don’t wait
you better chose to blessed today, ya’ll)

Ain’t nothing stopping you from receiving (2)
(The time is now)
Ain’t nothing stopping you
Receive your bless’n, receive your breakthrough
The time is now, the choice is yours
receive a bless’n from, the Lord
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: childofgod4u on April 12, 2006, 12:14:10 PM
thanks everyone
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: P_music on April 12, 2006, 01:37:50 PM
Just fyi, the song was originally done by Jonathan Nelson and Purpose on his "Live in Baltimore: Everything you Are" album. I believe Jonathan Nelson wrote it. Anyway, both versions are very similar. Be Blessed!
Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: TALENTED MUSICIAN on July 11, 2006, 03:47:35 AM
Here's the lyrics, and I'm currently chording the song out now for my choir to learn next month, when im done i'll send u a copy. peace out.

You’re in the right - place at the right time
to receive a bless’n from the Lord
You’re in the right place at the right time
where Jesus lifts heavens gates
Oh-oh-oh your’re in the right place,
You’re in the right place
to receive a bless’n from the Lord
Yes, you’re in the right place,
you’re in the right place
to receive a bless’n from the Lord
oh-ooh-oh you’re in the right place, you’re in the right place
to receive a bless’n from Lord
Yes, you’re in the right place, you’re in the right place
receive a bless’n, receive your breakthrough
The time is now, the choice is yo-urs
Receive a bless’n, receive your breakthrough
the Time is now, the choice is yo-urs
receive a bless’n from the Lord.

(oh-oh-oh You’re in the right place, yeah---, yeah, yeah, yeah
Don’t let nothing stop you from receiving what he has for you
Ain’t nothing (2) Don’t let, nobody, don’t let your brother, don’t let your sister, no, no, no. Where you been?
receive your blessing, your breakthrough,
Don’t wait
you better chose to blessed today, ya’ll)

Ain’t nothing stopping you from receiving (2)
(The time is now)
Ain’t nothing stopping you
Receive your bless’n, receive your breakthrough
The time is now, the choice is yours
receive a bless’n from, the Lord

Title: Re: Chords and lyrics Please
Post by: TALENTED MUSICIAN on July 11, 2006, 03:51:50 AM
Hi fellow christians and musicians:

I too was looking to clarify the a couple of words in "Right Place" and looks like as a new member to this site, you've have provided that (where Jesus lifts heavens gates) - Thanks a bunch.

What I would also like to request:  If anyone can share the chords to this song if you have written or played to your perfection or by the music if you have it.  I have the CD.  Our choir is also learning this song.

Many thanks and God Bless.

Awaiting a reply!!