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Author Topic: Drummer Wanted For Church In Baltimore  (Read 10149 times)

Offline XtromatriX

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Drummer Wanted For Church In Baltimore
« on: March 05, 2016, 10:29:01 PM »

We here at Amazing Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church are looking for a drummer to help us move forward with our Music Ministry. If you've made it this far, I'm sure you're an interested drummer! We are a very open-minded church community centered in the McElderry Park area, just behind Johns Hopkins Hospital. Here is some of the job description for you.

You must:
- Show up on time and prepared every Sunday for worship service including pre-service music.
- Show up for musician's rehearsals on time, ready to play, and familiar with all required music. Periodic attendance at choir rehearsal on an as needed and agreed with the Music Director will not be incrementally compensated.
- Play with the choir and musicians in a cohesive, mindful way, keeping in mind that we are here to enhance the experience for those worshipping with us, not to put on a show.
- Attend additional services at Amazing Grace, specifically Ash Wednesday, one mid-week Lenten service, Thursday and Saturday of Holy Week, Annual Port Street Celebration and Christmas Eve.
- Work with other musicians and Music Coordinator to identify, train and prepare a replacement drummer for planned absences for personal and professional commitments (including standing obligations during the Easter Vigil and Christmas Eve).
- Understand/respect Lutheran/music tradition as it differs from other Protestant (e.g. Pentecostal, Baptist, etc) music traditions. Education/direction can be provided if needed.

We are interested in hearing from you! So please, do not hesitate to give us a call (410) 276-5674. Compensation will be discussed in the interview process. We also ask that you have some of your musical work history available, along with a reference. At the time of the interview, you'll have to play a few songs (which will be given in advance) with me (the music ministry coordinator) and our bass player.

Have an awesome day. Peace.
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