Hey yall, I need some advice from the MOMs and choir directors in trying to teach harmony to the choir. I hope my opening is not too lengthy, but I feel like I have to explain first to help you help me.......
So I've been the mass choir director for almost two years (more like choir president since I don't actually "direct" anything) Recently our presiding Bishop was explaining to us how a congregation singing in harmony can really strengthen and unify the church and that we should practice doing it all the time. I've taken it upon myself to teach choir parts to different traditional p&w songs. We can sing our choir songs, and I don't generally have trouble teaching those types of songs (recent hits, H. Walker, Milton Brunson, Keith Pringle, John P. Kee, etc).
My question is simply, how do I explain what harmony is? I'm not a big theory person, but I know that I can play the 1,3, and 5 notes together in any scale and have a major chord or harmony, but the choir members don't necessarily know what notes, keys, scales, and chords are, ya know? They all hear pretty well, and even the ones who don't hear can sing a part with their respective sections. Most of the choir members have either grown up singing in church or are older and been around church long enough to have a basic understanding of what harmony sounds like, even if they can't explain theory-wise what the term means. But I'm trying to explain the term lol. Okay, so like how would you explain harmony to a lay-person?
The goal is to get them to understand how this works, so that they can pick up their part even if it's just the opening or offering song of a service, when the choir is not actually up singing. Right now, we mostly sing everything in unison :-).
Thanks in advance yall! I have a lot of questions, but I'm still trying to research before I ask them here. God bless!