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Author Topic: Love Offering  (Read 3272 times)

Offline prncssofprz83

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Love Offering
« on: June 18, 2013, 08:32:00 AM »
Hey fam I need some advice.

I have beeen playingg the drums at my church for over 4 years now and not once have I received a loge offering. I have gone to my M.O.M about it and trustees but the trustees say there is not enough in the budget to add the drummers but yet the keyboardists and bass and guitar players are paid.and the MOM says that pastor says there needs to be commitment. My thing is how much more commitment do u want. We have 3 drummers and at least one of us is there at every rehersal. Engagement. And more. If no other musician is there u always have a drummer and 9 times out of ten its me. And when I talked about quitting. They wanted to hire an outside person and pay them.REALLY. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have gone to my minister friends and they are upset about it abd have told that my gifts are being used.WHAT DO I DO????

Offline GospelEngineer

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Re: Love Offering
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 09:39:51 AM »
Sounds like you need to find another church.

Offline berbie

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Re: Love Offering
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 09:48:54 AM »
How is an outside person going to be paid if there is no money in the budget? You have to consider that they mean that there is no money in the budget for you.  One you get under that, the question is,   what do they mean?  There has to be a reason.  Are they saying your skills are lacking, and the  fact that you are playing free makes up for it?  Are they saying that you would continue to play because you'd rather play for nothing rather than not at all?  Are they playing brinkmansship?  Are the other drummers playing for nothing, giving them an out?  What are your options? make a mental note of therm. You are aware that, on the bottom line, the ball is in your court.  You have facts to study and a decision to make.

Offline prncssofprz83

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Re: Love Offering
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 09:52:44 AM »
Sounds like you need to find another church.

Been seriously thinking about it

Offline QCdrummer

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Re: Love Offering
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 09:33:16 AM »
Here is the part that sticks out to me. When you said "We have 3 drummers". This is usually the problem with drums and one of the main reasons I've branched into being mainly a keyboard player now. There are just so many drummers out there that alot of times churches don't feel the need to pay them. Even if one of you leave, there are still 2 drummers left.

It sounds like you did the right thing in asking someone about the budget. Since they told you no, there is really nothing else you can do. I would work extremely hard on developing your craft, technique, etc. to the point where even if they don't pay you, another church will find you and will want you to come to thier church.  Advanced drummers usually do not have a problem with finding a church that will provide them with some type of weekly stipend.
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