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Author Topic: Choosong songs to sing  (Read 3690 times)

Offline tim77901

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Choosong songs to sing
« on: April 28, 2013, 03:49:41 PM »
It never fails that when our men's chorus is on to sing somewhere we can choose songs to sing but then the president never agrees and when we get there he says "we are not doing this, we are doing this". The songs he wants are the songs he sings. How would you handle it?

Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Choosong songs to sing
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2013, 11:25:49 AM »
It never fails that when our men's chorus is on to sing somewhere we can choose songs to sing but then the president never agrees and when we get there he says "we are not doing this, we are doing this". The songs he wants are the songs he sings. How would you handle it?

Where are you in the pecking order: VP, MOM, Musical Director?

Is it fair to assume that you end up singing the same songs all the time when you minister elsewhere?

Can your group handle new/different songs (i.e. is there harmony)?
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Offline tim77901

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Re: Choosong songs to sing
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2013, 09:22:50 PM »
I am the MOM.
Yes it is fair to say that we are.
I have went to the Pastor and talked to him about it. He says he will say something about it but never does.
The director we have even is getting irritated.
They can handle anything, they have great harmony.

Offline CRYCHI

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Re: Choosong songs to sing
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2013, 10:05:29 PM »
In my experience, the president is only over administrative duties with the choir; while all musical/ministry-related decisions are made by the MOM.  Perhaps revisit the responsibilities of each position with all those involved.   If they don't like it, perhaps impeaching is necessary (lol).   You may solicit input or song suggestions, but you should have the final word as MOM.
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Offline sjonathan02

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Re: Choosong songs to sing
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 06:35:42 AM »
I am the MOM.
Yes it is fair to say that we are.
I have went to the Pastor and talked to him about it. He says he will say something about it but never does.
The director we have even is getting irritated.
They can handle anything, they have great harmony.

It must be your age (I'm assuming you're around 21, and I'm assuming the director is much older).
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Offline Blessed 1947

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Re: Choosong songs to sing
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2013, 03:47:00 PM »
The Holy spirit is the one that should be choosing the songs.  The songs choosen should be in line with what pastor is preaching about or what is in his heart.  I used to deal with a choir director like that because she wanted to sing only the songs that she liked and that is no way to do things.  Pray and ask the holy spirit to put the songs in your heart that needs to be sung and remind everyone involved that it's not about us but, how the holy spirit is leading and what songs are out there in the atmosphere.

Some people get so caught up in self,, I don't like this song, I don't like that song but, when you are truly in tuned to the holy spirit and how it's moving, you will know that if the holy spirit puts a song on your heart, that song is definitely going to bless someone.  When there is a song that is really strong in your spirit, that song needs to be sung because the holy spirit has that song pegged for somebody and whomever that is needs to hear that song and will  be blessed by it. 

One thing I always do before going to rehearsal or service and here it is.  I say Lord I empty myself out and purge myself so that you can just fill me up and use me to your glory.  It is not about me, the director, the pastor, it is about how you will use me and my gift today to be a blessing to your kingdom.  God loves that humbleness and openess.  We sometimes get in our own way with selfish thinking and personal agendas.  It is truly not about us but all about God. 
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